
Haluan sut jo kotiin kulta :) <3Torstai 12.03.2009 00:56

Your the one I want and I'm a continue loving
And I'm a always be there for you
And either way you look at it I ain't going no where for my muffin

And I don't care what they say
I'm gonna be with you

And no one know, the things we've been through
Can never measure up to half of what I put you through
That's why we'll break through

All about knowing you I'm into doing things to keep him longer
Sticking together forever, watch you grow stronger
That's the way it has to be, everything problem
Keeping it always true

You are everything in my life see the joy you bring
And ain't no one I compare you to
And I know that you will never walk away from me no matter what
And that's why I plan to do the same thing for you
And I want you to know
I'm gonna be with you
I wanna be with you

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