


I Like My Beats Fast And My Bass Down Low

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:)Sunnuntai 05.07.2009 12:55

Kiva löytää välillä "uutta" musiikkia :)


I'm Going in for the kill,
I'm doing it for a thrill,
oh I'm hope you'll understand,
and not let go of my hand.

In For The Kill - La Roux


tick tick tick on the watch
and life's too short for me to stop,
Oh baby, your time is running out.

Bulletproof - La Roux


You got me stuck on repeat
and I just can't seem to break free,
you got me stuck on repeat
I can only move to the beat

Stuck On Repeat - Little Boots


Cause she's a mixed up girl in a mixed up world
And you know she don't mean any harm
So please understand
If you take her hand
You'll get much more than you bargained for

Meddle - Little Boots


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