


I Like My Beats Fast And My Bass Down Low

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Perjantai 29.01.2010 18:49

When it seems
Like the world around you's breaking
And it feels
Like there's no one else around you
And it's quiet
There's a silence in the darkness
And it sounds
Like the carnival is over

As you walk
In the crowded empty spaces
And you stare
At the emptiness around you
You wanna go
To the city and the bright lights
Get away
From the sinners that surround you

Cause I will be there
And you will be there
We'll find each other in the dark
And you will see
And I'll see you too
Cause we'll be together in the dark

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
Cause I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark
And if it terrifies you
Then it terrifies me
Cause I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

As I look into the sky
There's sparks bright as ice
You want me to take you over there
I want you to stay with me
Cuz you're not the only one
The only one

No, no
Don't worry
You're not the only one

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
But I will be there
Cuz we need each other in the dark
And if it's panicking you
Then it's panicking me
But I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

In the dark
In the dark
We'll need each other in the dark

In the dark
In the dark
We'll hold each other in the dark

Now we're saved together in the dark

Cause we've got each other in the dark

Keskiviikko 13.01.2010 23:20

When it seems
Like the world around you's breaking
And it feels
Like there's no one else around you
And it's quiet
There's a silence in the darkness
And it sounds
Like the carnival is over

As you walk
In the crowded empty spaces
And you stare
At the emptiness around you
You wanna go
To the city and the bright lights
Get away
From the sinners that surround you

Cause I will be there
And you will be there
We'll find each other in the dark
And you will see
And I'll see you too
Cause we'll be together in the dark

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
Cause I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark
And if it terrifies you
Then it terrifies me
Cause I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

As I look into the sky
There's sparks bright as ice
You want me to take you over there
I want you to stay with me
Cuz you're not the only one
The only one

No, no
Don't worry
You're not the only one

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
But I will be there
Cuz we need each other in the dark
And if it's panicking you
Then it's panicking me
But I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

In the dark
In the dark
We'll need each other in the dark

In the dark
In the dark
We'll hold each other in the dark

Now we're saved together in the dark

Cause we've got each other in the dark

I remember Your voice
I remember Your laugh
I remember the times
You made me laugh
I remember our dance
I remember our song
I remember...You.

Thank You,
for being part of my life,
Thank You
for giving me these memories

Thank You
for being You ♥

With love

Onpa mulla ollu hauska aamu xDSunnuntai 03.01.2010 13:54

"Hyvien elokuvien hyväksi todettuja juonikulkuja on yleensä lastenvahdit, tuhmat cheerleaderit ja tai sit semmoset viattomat autokoulun oppilaat ja sit siinä vieressä seisoo se autokoulun opettaja semmosen pitkän kankeen karttakepin kanssa... Niin, karttakepin kanssa!"

"Jos et halua käyttää sitä puuhkana, tee siitä kengät" x'D

"...on on kauheeta... ... ... Nyt tissit!"

Juha "juhalahti" Lahti ♥ :DDDDDDDDD

Mä pelaan salaa volleyta!

hihihih aaaawww 8))Maanantai 28.12.2009 17:48

Maanantai 07.12.2009 13:41

Luvattu on paljon
Rikottu enemmän
Vierelläsi valvon
ja kauniina sut nään

Sä oot se jonka
löydän aina uudelleen
Taas tässä oon ja valmis
uuteen kierrokseen


Mä en lupaa mitään
En enää lupaa mitään muuta
Oon vielä samanlainen
Sama mieli
Sama sydän
Sama nainen

Sanonut oon kaiken
Yö vaihtuu aamuun
Jos sä vielä haluut
takas mä tuun

?Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 12:18

Pitäisköhän poistaa tunnukset koska oon täällä nykyään niin vähän? o.O

tomorrowwwwww 8))))Keskiviikko 11.11.2009 15:13

Huomenna sitten suuntaamme kohti Helsinkiä :)
Ja huomenna on siellä myöskin Prodigyn keikka 8)))

Perjantaina sit shoppailemaan Tallinnaan ja
lauantaina messuilemaan
ja sit kotia kohti :)
odotan reissua ainakin nääiiiin innoissani 8)