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juurikin totta Maanantai 11.02.2008 17:30

Toisista pääsee irti...
joihinkin jää roikkumaan liikaa kun sydän vie..
ja sitten on vielä ne
joista tulee sulle naru

yhdellä käyttäjällä oli niin osuva teksti että pakko oli ottaa se tähän ...

crematory - memory <3Sunnuntai 11.11.2007 22:05

You are so fixed with yourself
That you cant behold your life passing you by
Wake up brisk before your vanity breaks you
Open your eyes while you still can

When you need me - just before the memory
Hear my voice coming through your mind
When you need me - just before the memory
Hear my voice coming through your mind

Your friends suffocated by your ego
Your siblings havent known you for a long time
Even death refuses to tread on your doorstep
Ensued the false passage all your life

When you need me - just before the memory
Hear my voice coming through your mind
When you need me - just before the memory
Hear my voice coming through your mind

No one here that misses you again
No one here to show you how to fly
Have no respectt for life
Have no reverence for death
Mercy a word used by losers
Pain and sorrow gifts from heaven
Never will you love
Never will you live

When you need me - just before the memory
Hear my voice coming through your mind
When you need me - just before the memory
Hear my voice coming through your mind

aawwwwwwwwwww MY WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTorstai 08.11.2007 22:33

Do What I Say

when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do what i say
don't do this don't do that
don't you ever talk back
don't speak with food in you mouth
just keep quiet while the grown ups are talking
i'm not being mean i'm just being fair
it's just because i really care
you know that i love you
but shut your mouth
you just have to do what i say
i don't want you to lie
you're much too old to cry
you're just to young to know
but when you're older you'll understand
you are mine i own you
look at me i'm talking to you
don't use that tone to me
so shut your mouth
you just have to do what i say
do what i say
when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do what i say
when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do it my way
i've paid to raise you good
done everything i could
so don't you dare to say
that i never cared about you anyway
i gave you food to eat
i kept you on your feet
i gave you all my good advice
not once did i hear you thank me for all that i've done
you don't know anything
about my suffering
i went through a lot of pain
just to get you where you are today
if i ever hit you
it's because i have to
you have done something wrong
and you deserve the punishment,
you'll have to pay
do what i say
when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do what i say
when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do it ... my way
my way
my way
my way
don't you ask me why not
be glad with what you've got
don't tell me you're alone
you should be glad that you have a home
just look me in the eyes
you have to realize
i make the rules that's it
it's for you own good
so you have to do what i say
do what i say
do what i say
do what i say
when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do what i say
when i grow up there will be a day
when everybody has to do it ... ... my way

aaaaaaaaaaawTorstai 16.08.2007 06:29

A day's light told me of my son's fate
The sun showed the way, grim and severe
Pulled under the raging waters, my child
Sank in the drowning currents, my son
My strength is not enough, my powers failed me
I need the heavens help, I ask for thunder's force
I plead for you oh lightning, forge an iron tool
A magic rake for dragging, a river for my son
God of fire bring your light
Forger of sun help me now
Guardian of the shore will sleep in your warmth
Lull the folk of cold water
Banish the serpents of the dark
To the river let me go and fetch my son away
A rake made of iron from the Gods of skies
The spirit of bright days sent me the sun
Cold troops of Tuoni can not stand in my way
Untouched I shall walk by the river of the night
My child
My son

hyvvööö jussia!!Perjantai 22.06.2007 14:04

olkaahan ihmisiks :D
With a face like this I wont break any hearts and thinking like that I wont make any friends ..
screw that, forget about
That I dont wanna hear about anything like that screw that, forget about that I dont wanna know about anything like
That Ive got nothing to do cept hang around and get screwed up on

you your beauty makes me feel alone I look
Inside but no ones home screw that, forget about that I dont wanna hear about anything like that screw that, forget
About that I dont wanna know about anything like that Ive got nothing to do cept hanging around and get screwed
Up on you

ocean waveSunnuntai 10.12.2006 15:52

......biisi joka jyrää mun päässä hyvällä tavalla tänään... pitäs saada sanat tänne jostain--- so long ... .... ssiis beats and stylesin kipale... hyväkin vielä oooh

Laita rasti kohtaan, joka osuu sinuun. Ei lasketa inhoamista, vain pelkääminen lasketaan.

[ ]Aerofobia = lentopelko tai raittiin ilman pelko.
[ ]Afefobia = kosketuksen pelko.
[ ]Glossofobia = yleisellä paikalla puhumisen pelko.
[ ]Agorafobia = aukeiden, julkisten paikkojen pelko, torikammo, yksin liikkumisen pelko.
[ ]Aikmofobia = terävän kammo, pistävien esineiden pelko.
[ ]Ailurofobia = kissojen pelko.
[x]Algofobia = kivun pelko.
[ ]Androfobia = miesten pelko.
[ ]Antrofobia = ihmisten pelko.
[x]Apifobia = ampiaisten pelko.
[x]Araknofobia= hämähäkkien pelko.
[x]Astrafobia = ukkosen ja salamoinnin pelko.
[ ]Atelofobia = epätäydellisyyden pelko.
[ ]Atykifobia =epäonnistumisen pelko.
[ ]Autofobia =omaan itseensä kohdistuva pelko.
[ ]Bakteriofobia = bakteerikammo.
[ ]Bogyfobia = peikkojen ja demonien pelko.
[ ]Bromidrosifobia = pahalta haisemisen pelko.
[ ]Deipnosofobia = pöytäkeskustelun pelko.
[x]Dementofobia = hulluksi tulemisen pelko.
[ ]Demofobia = väkijoukkojen pelko.
[ ]Didaskalei-nofobia = koulun pelko.
[x]Dystychifobia = onnettomuuksien pelko.
[ ]Eremofobia = yksin jäämisen pelko.
[ ]Ereuthofobia = punastumisen pelko.
[ ]Erotofobia = seksuaalisten tunteiden pelko. (mitään en vittu myönnä)
[ ]Exofobia = kaiken normaalin ulkopuolella olevan pelko.
[ ]Fobofobia = pelkäämisen pelko.
[ ]Farmakofobia = lääkkeiden pelko.
[ ]Filosofobia = filosofian ja filosofien pelko.
[x]Glossofobia= yleisön edessä puhumisen pelko. (esim luokassa ) hiki jo ajatuksesta
[ ]Gringofobia = vieraiden valkoihoisten pelko.
[ ]Gymnofobia = alastomuuden pelko.
[ ]Gynefobia = naisten pelko.
[ ]Harpaksofobia = ryöstäjien pelko.
[ ]Hematofobia = veren näkemisen pelko.
[ ]Hippofobia = hevosten pelko.
[ ]Herpetofobia = matelijoitten pelko.
[ ]Hodofobia = matkustamisen pelko.
[ ]Homofobia = homojen pelko.
[ ]Hypengyofobia = vastuun pelko.
[ ]Hypnofobia = unen pelko.
[x]Hypokondria= sairauksien pelko.
[x]Hypsofobia = korkean paikan pelko.
[ ]Iatrofobia = lääkärille menemisen pelko.
[ ]Kaetofobia = karvojen pelko.
[ ]Koulrofobia= Pellejen pelko (IIIIK!!!)
[x]Klaustrofobia = ahtaanpaikan kammo, suljettujen tilojen pelko.
[ ]Kleptofobia = varastamisen pelko.
[ ]Klimakofobia = portaissa kaatumisen pelko.
[ ]Koprofobia = ulosteiden pelko.
[ ]Ksenofobia = vieraitten tai ulkomaalaisten pelko.
[ ]Kynofobia = koirien pelko.
[x-]Lygofobia = pimeän pelko. (periaattees joo, koska silloin sattuu ja tapahtuu kaikkee omituista ja joskus jopa pelottavaa)vastaan joo ja ei
[ ]Negrofobia = mustien ihmisten pelko.
[ ]Monofobia = yksinäisyyden pelko.
[ ]Mythofobia = valehtelemisen pelko.
[ ]Neofobia = uusien asioiden pelko.
[ ]Nekrofobia = kuolleiden pelko.
[ ]Ofi ofobia = käärmeiden pelko.
[ ]Oftalmofobia = silmien pelko, tuijotetuksi tulemisen pelko
[ ]Odontofobia = hampaitten pelko.
[ ]Oklofobia = tungoksen pelko.
[ ]Optofobia = silmien avaamisen pelko.
[ ]Paedofobia = lapsien tai nukkejen pelko.
[ ]Parthenofobia = neitsyiden pelko. (??????!!!!!)
[x]Pnigofobia = tukehtumisen pelko.
[ ]Pogonofobia = partojen pelko. ( xD xD xD )
[ ]Pterononfobia = höyhenten pelko.
[ ]Satanofobia = saatanan pelko.
[ ]Skotofobia = pimeänpelko.
[ ]Selenofobia = kuun pelko.
[x]Tanatofobia = kuolemanpelko.
[ ]Taphefobia = elävältä hautaamisen pelko.
[ ]Teatrofobia = teatterien pelko.
[ ]Telefonofobia = puhelimen käytön pelko. (tuntemattomalle ihmiselle soittaminen)
[ ]Teratofobia = hirviöiden pelko.
[ ]Termofobia = kuumuuden pelko.
[ ]Thaasofobia = tylsyyden pelko.
[ ]Traumatofobia = onnettomuuksien pelko.
[ ]Triskaidefobia = numeron 13 pelko.
[ ]Tsienofobia = lumen pelko.
[ ]Vermifobia = matojen pelko.
[ ]Vomitofobia = oksentamisen pelko.
[ ]Xenodochiofobia = vierailukammo, pelko mennä kylään.
[ ]Zoofobia = eläinten pelko.

en ä sit vissii nii paljo pelkääkkä

ihana ahkera sunnuntai Sunnuntai 26.11.2006 19:46

vitsit et tänään on saanu paljon aikaiseks, puulatoa siivoillu rojuist ja puupuolta siivonnu, järjestelly, aamul imuroinu, tiskattu ja jne.. nyt on ruoka liedel ja saa vaan istahtaa, huome tb:tä moikkaa turkuun kivaaa :D

nimpparitLauantai 25.11.2006 11:15

SAA ONNITELLA!!!! heheeheh