
If I wanted it, would you give it to me?
If I begged you to, would you?
If I needed something, would you get it for me?
If I cried, would you comfort me?
If I was drowning, would you hold my head above the surface?
If I hugged you tight, would you squeeze me back?
If I kissed you, would you let me?
If I tried something, would you stop me?
If I would go away, would you come running after me?
If I go hiding, will you find me?
If I get upset, will you make it okay?
If I can´t sleep, will you scratch behind my ear to calm me down?
If I fall, will you pick me up?
If I get tired, will you carry me home?
If I don´t wanna see ya, will you come anyway?
If I am angry, will you apologize?
If I am lonely, will you kiss my loneliness away?
If I ask all these dumb questions, will you just kiss me to shut me up and remind me that none of these really matter? That no matter what, I´m gonna be okay, cause I´ve got you by my side.

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