
muistiin vain. :DKeskiviikko 16.07.2008 18:14

Exit Munichs Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) on the south-side onto ‘Goethestraße’. Follow Goethe some 800m down to McDonalds and there turn right into ‘Mozartstraße’. The yellow building behind the cinema is the Easy Palace.

For those who dont want to walk there is two other options:

Take Bus number 58, leaving in front of the main exit of Hauptbahnhof. Get off after at the 4th stop at Goetheplatz. Cross the street towards Mc Donalds and keep going down Mozartstraße. We are the second house on your right. The bus takes 6 minutes and cost 1,10 EUR (Ticket: Kurzstrecke)

Or you take the Underground. Take line U1 or U2 one stop to Sendlinger Tor and there change into U3 or U6 one stop to Goetheplatz. Exit the station at the rear of the train and look for exit Mozartstrasse. The underground takes a little longer than the bus since you need to change but runs more frequently. The price is the same.

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