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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Feel dump.Keskiviikko 13.07.2016 04:08

I think it's funny how the victim always deserves it, how the victim is always blamed for what happened.
How your depression can be cured by simply telling yourself you're happy now.
How you shouldn't trust anyone, how it's your fault when you trust someone and they betray you.
How you should just "get a job and stop complaining", when they clearly know you can't work.
How the government doesn't care about you. Oh, how they wish you were dead.
How they throw you from one place to another, and no one wants you. How you're in an endless cycle.
How you should be happy, because some people have it worse. How you don't have the right to be depressed, because you "have it all".
How it's your fault for being so suicidal, how you're not even trying to do anything to make it better. How you've done everything from pills to highly risky ECT for a year and it still isn't enough.
How the ECT destroyed your memory, how people get mad when they have to repeat themselves because you just can't remember things anymore.
How you've been bullied your whole life, how you were raised to believe you're worthless and should just kill yourself, how you don't deserve to breathe the precious air.
How when you finally decide to die, it's wrong again. Because everything you do or say is wrong. How you wake up in the morning, after rolling around in the bed for hours, refusing to get up, afraid that this day will be even worse than the previous one.
How it's always your fault, no matter what happens.
How you're not the victim, you just chose the life you have before you were born. How you chose to be what you are today.
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »