
Positive affirmations have long been used as a basic tool for personal growth, however they're coming under competition from a new form of development - subliminal mp3. Click here to read more - subliminal downloads and subliminal messages

Subliminal downloads are quickly developing reputation thanks to semi effortless nature. On a basic level all subliminal audio messages are, are affirmations recorded on an audio file, and made subliminal. Consequently you don't hear the affirmation whatsoever, even so the phrases do still enter your subconscious mind directly, and as these statements build up (just as positive would) they will start to modify your values and behavior on a core level.

The Benefits of Subliminal Messages

This can save you lots of time - instead of needing to repeat the affirmations for several minutes everyday it is possible to simply play a subliminal cd as you work or even while you do alternative activities. The effect will probably be comparable, only with the added benefit that you can play the album without anyone's knowledge and allow the affirmations to effortlessly flow straight into your unconscious mind while you carry out other activities - work, relax, study, workout, and even while you sleep.

This is not to say that using subliminal messages will be entirely effortless in themselves - you will still have to take some positive action towards your aims, but they will give you the edge, enhance your determination and strength of will, as well as generally making you much more prone to succeed. This kind of change isn't really instant, but generally happens inside of a few days to a couple of weeks. You will notice a few light changes in your mind at the beginning which will increase until eventually you see an absolute difference in your personal beliefs and patterns of thinking.

Exactly like positive affirmations they can be advantageous and assist you in many different areas - from weight loss to improving your self esteem, and perhaps to help your performance in physical activities.

So for anyone who is experienced with using positive affirmations you should know what to expect from subliminals - the end result isn't amazingly different, it will be similar, only with the main benefit of saving you some time.

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