


Lääkitykseni pukee Minut.

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Aaaaaaaaaaamu....Maanantai 17.12.2007 02:41

All I wanna hear is your voice close my ears,
all I wanna smell is your sweat running down your skin,
all I wanna feel is your touch deep inside of me

Why cant I be with you today
it's breaking my heart,
it tears me apart
takes me away.

I feel the floor coming to life as I lay dying under it
My voice is so clear, still cant make sense of it
I'm gonna sleep and sleep until you're next to my grave
playing deadly sins with me, singing the song I wanna hear.

Why am I alone in this cruel and dark grave?
Why cant I see your dusty face?
Why am I still here, singing this song, all along.
I want to go back and just lay next to you,
Feel your touch,
Smell your sweat,
hear your voice
and make you beg me back.

I'll cut your throat,
slit your wrists,
make myself a bloody bath,
smile and forget my sorrow.

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