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    I've been staying awake in the front seat for days
    Let the wheel turn and take me away
    Oh, the truth I must tell
    Is I'm lonely as hell
    Still looking for myself

    It rains all day when you're not around
    And I'm trying my best to come clean with the clouds
    They follow me around
    I'll dance 'till the rain comes down

    Stuck in the sand with the waves at my feet
    And I wish you'd come crash into me
    'Cause where you are is where I wanna be now
    Where are you now?

    And I know I'm not perfect but what the hell
    Do you think of me now?
    Do you think of me now?

    They say that love is for the patient
    Gotta plan for being restless for now

    Hope I'm more than a cheap trick you played on yourself
    But I do it so well
    Yeah, I'm doing so well

    They follow me around
    I'll dance 'till the rain comes down

    Stuck in the sand with the waves at my feet
    And I wish you'd come crash into me
    'Cause where you are is where I wanna be now
    Where are you now?

    But when I leave
    She walks and she talks and she stirs my feet
    Like she's sleeping next to me

    It doesn't matter where we are
    It doesn't matter where we are
    It doesn't matter if we're states apart
    She loves me