


“It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.”

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Lunatic SoulMaanantai 10.10.2011 23:01

I can't describe what's going on with me
A different nature moving rapidly
Being halfway here
And halfway somewhere else

My whole life starts to flash in front of me
I'm overwhelmed in joy, quiet and peace
All words I know are three-dimensional
I feel all troubles are gone...

I glimpse the spirits of my relatives
I see the others
The being of light
Shifting through a tunnel, long and dark

I regret all those things that I had left undone
And I wish I could fix everything that was wrong
I wish I could tell you how sorry I am

This is not the end
Its the start of something that I'm really scared of
That I'm scared to life

I'm scared to life..

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