
kivaLauantai 18.04.2009 01:59


You will achieve nothing you set out to achieve. Your social connections become disconnected. Your world dies around you, mostly because you let it die around you, and you do nothing to stop it. Wow. Nothing goes right for you and you end as a failure. Although it is hard for me to see at this point in your life, there may be a different, more joyous and fulfilling path to take. It's not in the cards, but people are known to change course via tectonic plate shifts or spiritual intervention, or some other way my crystal ball is limited in seeing. Good luck, you'll need it..

ota selvää mitä kaikkee jännää vhs:stä löytyy.

10 totuutta minusta.Tiistai 24.02.2009 16:28

kopioi 10 ensimmäistä totuutta itsestäsi ja haasta joku tekemään sama

1. Anni on agressiivinen penis.
2. Anni on puolialaston talibaani. <---reps
3. Anni on arveluttava muotifriikki.
4. Anni on isonenäinen K.K.K.-jäsen.
5. Anni on kastroitu kasvissyöjä. <---total reps
6. Anni on karvaton wowittaja. <--- -.-'''
7. Anni on impotentti lauantaimakkara.
8. Anni on munaton tepu.
9. Anni on häiritsevä harjoitustyttö.
10. Anni on vähän Sepon näkönen basisti. <----total reps lol roflmao!


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.01.2009 22:29

all i had was so neatly cut out
ripped and tore and shredded apart

A fatal exception has occurred in module FFF347EE
The following error message was returned:

--- YARR ME HEARTIES: 'tis the Blue Screen o' Death ---

You have the following options:

* Press Cntr-Alt-Del to restart your computer. You will lose all faith in technology
emigrate to the Outer Hebrides to live a joyful Luddite existence.

* Press the reset button because you don't have enough fingers to press three keys
at once.

* Press the spacebar repeatedly to indicate your frustration, with sufficient persestence
your computer might get the message and stop being a piece of shit.

* Press down hard on a rusty nail with the palm of your hand and relish the sweet,
sweet pain.

Microsoft have been notified of your stupidity and will be billing you for abuse of
this operating system.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 27.10.2008 23:34

Mitä jos sinut kloonattaisi?
» mä perustaisin hattaratehtaan

lueskelin just vanhoi päiväkirjamerkintöi ja kelaan vaan et mitä vittuu oon ajatellu tos kysymykses?!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 23.09.2008 22:00


xDKeskiviikko 11.06.2008 00:12

Did she say trouble?
Yes she did.
Well you'd better prepare for trouble,
I'm in pink so make it double.
To save the world from devestation,
To unite all people in our nation.
To prenaunce evil, truth and love,
to extend our reach to stars above.
Jessie, James.
Team rocket blasts of with the speed of light.
Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Miau, that's right!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.05.2008 03:35

We're gonna have a wonderful tea party
and YOU are NOT invited!