
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

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9Keskiviikko 06.10.2010 01:51


DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

8Keskiviikko 06.10.2010 01:50

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

7Keskiviikko 06.10.2010 01:47

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

wohoooKeskiviikko 06.10.2010 01:46

Missä olet? - Kotona, olohuoneessa.
Mikä soi? - Mainokset.
Vitutus pronsentteina? - 55,2%.
Huomisen suunnitelmat? - Töitä.
Onko meikkiä? - Ei olee.
Mitä päällä? - Kylpytakki.
Häpeätkö monia asioita menneisyydessäsi? - Jotaa joo.
Häpeätkö itseäsi? - Kylnijuu joskus.
Hiustenväri? - Musta-vaaleat.
Silmien väri? - Vihreät.
Koetko itsesi positiiviseksi ihmiseksi? - Joskus.
Onko rakkaus vaikea asia? - Aika.
Tahtoisitko seurustella? - Teen parhaillaa.
Onko rakkaus yliarvostettua? - Plähäsklejfa.
Voiko sinkkuna olla oikeasti onnellinen? - Miksei?
Tuletko toimeen kaikkien kanssa? - En!
Onko sinulla paljon kavereita? - Ei.
Kavereissa, laatu vai määrä? - Laatu, tiätty.
Montaako ihmistä voit sanoa vihaavasi? - Muutamaa.
Montaako ihmistä voit sanoa rakastavasi? - Pari hassua.
Oletko suututtanut jonkun läheisesi lähiaikoina? - En ainakaa tarkotuksella.
Tahtoisitko pyytää joltain anteeksi? - En oo tehny mitään väärää.
Koska olet viimeksi itkenyt jonkun ihmisen vuoksi? - Joku aika sitte.
Koetko itsesi masentuneeksi? - En sinänsä masentuneeksi, joskus masentuu jostain tietystä asiasta, ku muistaa, miten vois olla jos ei olis ollu näin.
Miten käyttäydyt, kun olet surullinen? - Haluun olla yksin, itken.
Kuunteletko paljon surullista musiikkia? - Aina.
Mikä on omasta mielestäsi pahin vikasi? - Lasika, tyhmä ja saamaton.
Kuinka monesti viikossa käyt suihkussa? - Joka toine päivä.
Oletko ihmisten mielestä flirtti? - En.
Mikä on suurin huolesi elämässä juuri nyt? - Raha-asiat.
Jos voisit elää uudestaan jonkin muiston, mikä se olisi? - Eräs asia.
Annatko helposti periksi? - Liian.
Mikä on onnennumerosi? - 6,24,12.
Pidätkö kylmistä tai kuumista suihkuista? - KUUUUUMA!
Millainen sää on nyt? - Sellane KIREE SYYSILMA. [PERUS]
Oletko tyytyväinen siviilisäätyysi? - Ju.
Kenen julkkiksen kanssa haluaisit viettää päivän? - Ööö.. Emmätiä.
Mitä värejä haluisit häidesi teemaksi? - Emmää tiä.
Mikä on lempivärisi? - Musta, lila, vihree, punanen, harmaa.
Näetkö tähtiä taivaalla juuri nyt? - En, ku oon sisällä.
Mitä tekisi mieli juuri nyt? - Tota Suomea tuolta vitriinistä.
Kuvaile yhdellä sanalla, että miltäs nyt tuntuu? - Väsyttää.
Kenen kanssa olit, kun viimeksi näit ilotulituksia? - Ööö..
Onko sinulla mitään outoja asioita huoneessasi? - Vaikka mitä.
Onko ihminen, jota viimeksi halasit, vanhempi kuin sinä? - On? Ei? Emmä muista ketä halasin.
Minkä takia pidät ihmisestä, josta pidät tällä hetkellä? - Kenestä niistä?
Mitä teit tänään kuuden aikaan aamulla? - Olin kessul.
Odotatko innolla mitään? - Joo ja en.
Ihminen, josta pidät, tulee ja suutelee sinua, mitä tekisit? - No hyppisin tasajalkaa ja paskoisin housuihini kiljuisin ja pääni räjähtäis irti tiätty! Mitäs luulisit?
Ajatteletko jotakuta vastakkaisesta sukupuolesta? - En.
Mitä viimeksi lähetetyssä tekstiviestissäsi lukee? - Okei. Ilmota, jos jotai kuiteki tulee mielee.
Milloin olit viimeksi onnellinen? - Perjantaina.
Mitä luulet, että entinen kumppanisi sanoisi sinusta? - "Mul on ollu sua niin hirvee ikävä."
Onko iällä väliä parisuhteessa? - Ei.
Kaipaatko sitä, miten asiat joskus olivat? - Joo joskus.
Kuka oli viimeksi yötä luonasi? - Hälis 247, taino MARTTIII!I!I!!!!!II!!!
Milloin on syntymäpäiväsi? - 12.11.
Pidätkö läheisyydestä? - Jep.
Mitä tekisit jos kumppanisi tutkisi puhelimesi? - MITÄ SÄ TEET?
Onko elämässäsi ihmisiä, joiden seurassa voit olla täysin oma itsesi? - On. Koska oon oma itteni aina.
Oletko vihainen kenellekään tällä hetkellä? - Itseasiassa JOO.
Onko poikaa, joka tietäisi melkein kaiken sinusta? - Ei.
Oletko ystävällinen kaikille? - En TOSIAAN oo.

6Tiistai 28.09.2010 14:02

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

5Tiistai 28.09.2010 13:59

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

4Tiistai 28.09.2010 13:56

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

4Sunnuntai 26.09.2010 23:43

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

3Sunnuntai 26.09.2010 23:41

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

2Perjantai 24.09.2010 10:51

Ei oo. :C Pistetää si tälläne universaali
/ \

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.