


ehkä mä oon terroristijeesus

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Marmalade ChainsawKeskiviikko 09.01.2008 23:15

You're a monkey, looking all honest all over the wall.
One Twelve Two Eleven Three Ten Four Nine Death Thirteen
Shoot the guys who are just talk.
Am I insane? Is society pleased?
Suck suck suck'em all till the end mine death thirteen.
It becomes reality as my wrist pricks. Ain't fuckin' around
Mouth to Mouth.
Can't hear the cry of the newborn baby. Honey looks down
at the scaffold.
Stuffed inside the refrigerator is a sacrificed flower.
It's the highly praised Serial Horror Show.

Nobody's hell like mine
You're a Dancing Majestic Baby
The works of orange is Thirteen.
Nobody's hell like mine.
You're a Screaming Majestic Baby.
A clockwork of Death Thirteen.

Lets play with the chainsaw

Living honestly is my good point and I have no bad points
to my personality.
One Twelve Two Eleven Three Ten Four Nine Death Thirteen
Shoot him who just screamed.
Am I insane? Is society pleased?
Suck suck suck'em all till the end mine death thirteen
It becomes reality as my wrist pricks. Ain't fuckin'

Nobody's hell like mind
You're a Dancing Majestic Baby
The works of orange is Thirteen
Nobody's hell like mine
You're a Screaming Majestic Baby
A clockwork of Death Thirteen

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