


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

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13.Tiistai 30.03.2010 05:32

Pirates murmur soft quotations
Of relinquished inventions
And forgotten cures.
Like a spider approaching a carnival ride
The swimmer is surely taken by surprise
Handmade minds
And manmade time
Stick to the glitches or listen and whine
The reason of life is the reason of life
And it's in your eye, your perception.
Reality is a placebo, a vibrating shell
It's made out of ice-cream and glue.
With every new word such as shlanken or golmen
A new person is born, coloured blue.
One day the flar made his way into a forest
A lollipop-forest, no kidding.
He walked there, in circles and spirals, and met
A mumblecreature times two.
The first creature, now mumbling, approached my dear flar
He sat on his elbow and yawned
The other one followed it's elder's approach
'Cause it wasn't used to thinking that hard.
The flar now yelped, stepping back in confusion
As the fusion of the creatures started
A mumblecreature twice minus one has become now
A sawdust-covered kettle.
The flar quickly snatched the kettle
Thinking it was pot
And ran away.

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