
How To Measure Your Bangle SizeLauantai 10.03.2018 08:57

Isn't there something inherently Indian about wearing gold bangles and diamond bangles? You do not need a bunch of bangles, you only need any particular one signature pair that's equal parts stunning, since it is handy. We say handy because bangles can virtually complete any outfit and put a finish to your accessorising woes. Rockrush provides you with the option of buying bangles online, there's nothing stopping you. Except, maybe, the sizing. While we provide you with the option of downloading our printable sizing chart, we're breaking down for you personally how exactly to measure your bangle size.

You will find two ways- one with the circumference and one with the diameter.

1. Circumference



a. You will need a piece of paper/ thread and a ruler.
b. Start with joining the tip of your little finger to the tip of your thumb and brings your other fingers closer to them.
c. Utilize the strip or paper or thread to measure the widest part of your hand in this position and make a level where in actuality the thread meets.
d. Then measure this strip of paper against the ruler and utilize this table to help you determine your Indian size:


2. Diameter



a. You'll need a bangle that you already own and a ruler.
b. Place the bangle on the ruler.
c. Measure the inside diameter of the bangle utilising the ruler.
d. Compare the ruler value of the following chart:

Measuring bangles don't need to be cumbersome, and owning them just got easier. Don't be shy to buy bangles online anymore. Are you experiencing any unconventional approaches to measure your bangle size? Share with us in the comments below.

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