
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.05.2007 22:44

Listaa 20 laulua, joista tällä hetkellä pidät. (ei järjestykses)

Atreyu - Untitled finale
Atreyu - Ex's and oh's
Bleeding through - Love in slow motion
Drop dead, Gorgeous - Daniel, where's the boat?
Escape the fate - The guillotine
MCR - The sharpest lives
Scary kids scaring kids - Losing my religion
Scary kids scaring kids - The darkest hour
UnderOATH - A Boy Brushed Red... Living In Black And White
UnderOATH - I Don't Feel Very Receptive Today
Escape the fate - There's No Sympathy For The Dead
From first to last - The latest plague
From first to last - My heart your hand
I am ghost - The Ship Of Pills And Needed Things
Killswitch engage - My curse
MCR - This is how I dissappear
Norther - Dream
The Used - I'm a fake
Bring me the horizon - I love you and goodbye
Disco ensemble - Drop dead casanova

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