


The foundation to Decrease Worldsuck

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Re: AW: Awww...Maanantai 23.08.2010 11:47

"I ment it on a way; everyone want´s to be special - to someone. But mostly they want to belong to the group. I never was part of the group, so I don´t log there.

I have very low self esteem, according to someones, very high according to someones. If they would argue, I don´t know which group would win. I don´t like the self-esteem-subjeckt - the only problem I personally have, is the fackt, that everyone is analysing my self-esteem. I think I have low, but I know I as well have high. Would probably need team of psycologies to know how it atually is.

One more reason to move into middle of the forrest with my cows.

How can you be sure about thing? There is so few proven."

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