
PhiriäPerjantai 31.03.2006 19:01

Dear Dr.Sauna Tonttu,

I am very sorry for my silence. I have been very sick
with fever. As you may know, the situation in the
refugee camp here, nobody to take care of me. Anyway,
I am getting better now and I hope to be strong again.

I will not be able to call you now because I do not
have anything left on me to make international call.
Please call me. I told you several times to call me
but you just keep silent over it. I know you are in
the best position to call me if you really care about
helping me, especially now that I am down. Please call
me and lets talk. +221 546 99 42.

Best wishes,

Phiri Aboa.

Hi Phiri,

I'm sorry but I have been unable to reach your number during the last few days and I'm very unsure of the reason why that may be.
I was just wondering,how is it that you are able to make mobile phone calls and access the internet on a refugee camp?During the recent revolution here in Finland we definitely didn't have any operational mobile networks,we used smoke messages and drums to communicate with our friends.
Do try and call me on my cell phone,as I have been unable to reach your phone from this end.

Best regards,

Dr.Sauna Tonttu

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