
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.01.2007 16:50

Hahha. Luin eilen mun ihan oikeeta paivakirjaa (since 2001) ja siella oli loppuvuodesta 2003 ihan huippumerkinta:

"Vittu ma naytan kaikille niille paskanjauhajille ku muutun jokski Britney Spearsiks ja kaikista tulee munattomia prinsseja"


shower -> outsideMaanantai 15.01.2007 13:29

Chapter 1: Personal

Initials: S. K. H. L.
Middle name: Katri Heinikki
Birthday: May 26th 1987
Birth Place: Turku, Finland
Current location: Eyrarbakki, Iceland
Height: 5' 7" or 170cm
Hair length: looong
Eye color: blueish green
Piercings: 2 in left ear, 3 in right
Birthmarks: none

Chapter 2: Family

Do you live with your parents: with my host parents
Do you get along with your parents? yes
Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married
Do you have any siblings? 4 younger brothers
What pets do you have? this family here has a cat, a dog and a bunny
What are their names? Næla, Bella and Perla

Chapter 3: Favorites

City: Rome
Season: Winter
clothing brand: Aeropostale
Color: red
Number: 107

Chapter 4: Do You ...

Sing in the shower? yes
Write memos on your hand? yes
Call people back? no one ever calls me
Believe in love? yeah
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? no
Wear glasses or contacts? glasses sometimes

Chapter 5: Have You Ever...

Gone skinny dipping? yes
Worn braces? no, lucky me
Broken a bone? never
Had stitches? nope
Punched someone in the face? yes
Skipped school? yes...
Taken painkillers? oh yes
Gone SCUBA diving? nope
Been stung by a bee? nope
Thrown up in a restaurant? nope
Been to overnight camp? humm, yes?
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yes :)
Had detention? no \o/
Been sent to the principal's office? yes

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last..

Person to IM you? Will
Person to call you? Haukur
Person you hugged? I don't remember... my host mom?
Person you tackled? hmm... does throwing snowballs count? Emiel?
Thing you touched? Arnar Pétur
Thing you ate? painkiller
Drank? water
Thing you said? "Arnar Pétur, vertu alveg ush"

40 RANDOM questions:

Last call received: from Hauk
Last call made: to Hauk
Last text received from: Michael from Australia

What channel is the TV on? Stöd2
What song is playing: No Doubt - It's my life (on TV)
Watching: 'i fínu formi, some gymnastics show
What is your background: you mean wallpaper?

Type of pizza: pepperoni, mushrooms, egg, feta... pretty much anything
College basketball team: who cares?
Shirt that you own: "What happens in this shirt, stays in this shirt"
Warning: "What happens in this shirt, stays in this shirt"

What's the time: 9:23AM
What's the date: January 15th 2007
What's the day: Monday...
Do you own more than 5 TV sets: no
Do you own a toaster: yes
Do you own a house with 2 floors? this family does

Cat: Næla
Jump: that the kids should be quiet
Love: :)
Bed: sleep right now
Food: the leftovers on the table
Scratch and sniff: ummmm gross?

Things I've learned in 2007 (yes, 2007)Tiistai 09.01.2007 23:44

1. If a guy pours his beer on you just to buy two new, one for him and one for you, run. Fast.

2. Never try fish balls that are so soft you accidentally inhale one.

3. Never admit you're a foreigner if you don't want to get your picture taken.

4. If you see a sparkling red top on sale, it is definitely worth 1490 Icelandic crowns.

5. Don't waste your time telling Icelandic kids "ekki" when they are eating snow. They'll eat it anyway.

6. Go and see a movie in a language you've tried to study for 3 months. You will understand every line.

7. Never listen to Josh Groban right before bedtime.

8. You can say "Stop! Hammertime" anytime, anywhere.

9. Pink sheets will make you sleep better.

10. Keep extra underwear near you when watching Prison Break.

11. Never admit to drunk vikings that you're a carnivore.

12. You never know when you have to use Spanish.

13. A movie with Sylvester Stallone is better with a glass of white wine. Or two.

14. It's never too late to have a schoolgirl-kinda crush on a celebrity.

15. If you hear "99 bottles of beer in a wall" on TV, just calm down and walk away.

sanasuoli pulppuaa jalleen kerranTorstai 04.01.2007 13:12

Siru ja aiskander keskustelee puhelimessa:

Aiti: "Sit ku Islannissa on seuraava maanjaristys ni aattele eka etta "jaha, isi ja aiti keskustelee taas" ja vasta sitten ihan luonnollisia syita."
Siru: "Stop, hammertime!"
Aiti: "Joo, osoitetaan rakkautta nain rakentavalla tavalla."
Siru: "Naulan kantaan."
1. Mitä teit vuonna 2006 sellaista, jota et ole tehnyt aiemmin?
-muutin pois kotoa (ja sit takas), kavin Venajalla, sain valkolakin... aikas paljon juttuja.

2. Piditkö uudenvuodenlupauksesi?
-mahdoinko ma tahda mitaan lupauksia?

3. Synnyttikö kukaan läheisesi?
-sukulainen juu

4. Kuoliko kukaan läheisesi?

5. Missä maissa kävit?
-Ruotsissa, Venajalla, Italiassa, USAssa ja Islannissa (+Englannissa ja Hollannissa)

6. Mitä haluaisit vuodelta 2007 sellaista, joka ei onnistunut vuonna 2006?
-no arvaapas

7. Mikä päivämäärä säilyy muistissasi vuodelta 2006?
-no ainakin 12.6. ku lensin Jenkkeihin ja seikkailin pitkin New Yorkia ja Washington DCta

8. Vuoden suurin saavutuksesi?
-kaansin yhden laulun norjasta esperantoksi ja heitin lappaa Conan O'Brienin studioyleisossa

9. ...ja suurin epäonnistuminen?
-no se ku jouduin tiputukseen

10. Kärsitkö vammoista?
-hmm... en

11. Mikä oli paras asia, jonka ostit?
-matkalaukku Jenkeista

12. Kenen käyttäytyminen ansaitsi kiitosta?

13. Kenen käyttäytyminen aiheutti ahdistusta?

14. Mihin käytit suurimman osan rahoistasi?
-varmaan matkustamiseen

15. Mistä innostuit eniten?

16. Mikä albumi / kappale tulee muistuttamaan sinua vuodesta 2006?
-Chamillionairen Ridin' ja sit varmaankin Í Svörtum Fötumin Þrá

17. Verrattuna tähän aikaan viime vuonna, oletko onnellisempi vai surullisempi?

18. Lihavampi vai laihempi?

19. Rikkaampi vai köyhempi?

20. Mitä olisit toivonut tekeväsi enemmän?
-lukenu paasykokeisiin perhana

21. ...entä vähemmän?
-muiden asettamista itteni edelle

22. Miten aiot viettää joulun?
-meni jo

23. Jos voisit mennä ajassa taaksepäin ja muuttaa yhden hetken menneestä vuodesta, mikä?
-tan pidan omana tietonani

24. Rakastuitko vuonna 2006?
-joo, Josh Grobaniin

25. Kuinka monta yhden illan juttua sinulla oli?
-ei yhtaan

26. Mikä oli mieluisin tv-sarja, jota seurasit?
-Juana La Virgen

27. Vihaatko tällä hetkellä ketään, jota et vihannut viime vuonna samaan aikaan?

28. Mikä oli paras lukemasi kirja?
-Nora Robertsin Lawless

29. ...entä musiikillinen löytö?
-Í Svörtum Fötum

30. Mitä halusit ja sait?
-lahtea au pairiksi

31. Mitä halusit, muttet saanut?
-opiskelupaikan perhana

32. Mikä oli vuoden suosikkielokuvasi?
-varmaankin the Holiday ja Nacho Libre

33. Mitä teit syntymäpäivänäsi?
-hmm... Leikin Nintendo DS:n kans ja menin the Clubille

34. Mikä yksi asia on tehnyt vuodestasi äärettömän paljon tyydyttävämmän?

35. Miten kuvailisit vaatemuotiasi vuonna 2006?
-se mita loytyy ekana ku laittaa kaden kaappiin

36. Mikä tai kuka sai sinut pysymään järjissäsi?
-islannin kielioppikirja

37. Kenestä julkisuuden henkilöstä pidit eniten?
-Tiziano Ferro ja Josh Groban <3

38. Mikä poliittinen puheenaihe säväytti sinua eniten?
-no jaa-a...

39. Ketä kaipasit?
-no vahan kaikkia, aitia ja isia ainaski

40. Kuka oli paras uusi tuttavuus?
-esperantohorhot, uudet counselorit ja taa perhe taalla islannissa

41. Kerro elämänohje, jonka opit vuonna 2006.
-Karma is a bitch.

meitsi ja Victoria keskusteleeSunnuntai 17.12.2006 04:30

Broadwaymaiden42: what have you been up to
Thyella: today?
Thyella: absolutely nothing
Thyella: just listened to Josh Groban :)
Broadwaymaiden42: i love that man!!
Broadwaymaiden42: <33
Thyella: me too!!!
Broadwaymaiden42: the new cd?
Thyella: yeah
Thyella: it's AMAZING
Thyella: i love every song in it
Broadwaymaiden42: i want that cd soo badly!
Broadwaymaiden42: he is amazing!!
Thyella: he is <3
Thyella: the album Closer is amazing as well
Thyella: i could drown myself in his voice
Thyella: oh man
Thyella: or do some canoe rescues

...hieman myohemmin...

Thyella: i'm trying to send Josh a letter where I confess my love for him
Thyella: endless love
Thyella: i think i should send him a picture of me doing canoe rescues and say "look, Joshey, this is what you make me do"
Broadwaymaiden42: haha, thats awsome!!
Broadwaymaiden42: haha i love you roo!!
Broadwaymaiden42: haha
Thyella: i love you too <3
Thyella: and Josh
hajosin tanaan Bykossa (vahan semmonen biltemakauppa) ja nauroin aaneen, oon varmaan ollu tosi tyhman nakonen. siella soi aina joku ihme musiikki, lauantaina siella soitettiin Lilo&Stitchin soundtrackia. tanaan sielta kajahti se tango, mika meilla oli vanhojentansseissa. oli pakko vahan tanssahdella hyllyjen valissa. sit lahetin Mattelle viestin etta taalla soi se tango, ja Matte siihen etta "Jee, tanga mixer!"

Viimeks hajosin noin totaalisesti ku kesalla Sarah soi hubba bubbaa, sit sita pursus sen hampaiden valista ja se sano etta hei, ma oon se play doh -kone! sit meidan vieraileva worship leader Patrick siihen: "I've never seen that done orally before." :D:D:Dd.dD
1. What is your best friend's grandma's name? -i don't even know
2. Where is the weirdest place you have a mole? -right under my eye
3. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? -jukka laine... humm... yeah.
4. Have you ever made out in a movie theater? -yes
5. What body part do you wash first? -hands
6. Do you hover over the toilet in public bathrooms? -i put toilet paper on the seat
7. What's the strangest talent you have? -once i translated something from norwegian into esperanto. it was pretty interesting.
8. Do you have an innie or an outtie? -innie
9. What's your favorite flavored pringle? -sour cream and onion... feta was pretty good too
10. Have you ever been tied up? Do you want to be? -yes, and maybe... not by a criminal or anything
11. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? -i got a burn out (yeah, i know)
12. Do you parallel park or drive around the block? -i walk
13. Have you ever had two dates in one night? -with guys? no...
14. How many times have you been cussed out? -guess
15. Which shoe do you put on first? -hummmmmmmm
-16. In one word, describe your butt. -weird
17. Have you ever been to a gay bar? -nope unfortunately
18. Girls: Out of Madonna, Aunt Bee, Oprah Winfrey, and Paris Hilton, who are you most like?: -humm... Paris?
19. Is there one thing all of your love interests have had in common? -humm... no. but my friends say that they have all been my type more or less.
20. Did you French kiss before you were 16? -yes
21. Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting? -no, but i would love to!
22. Who is the last person you usually think about before you fall asleep? -your mom
23. Have you ever had a poem written about you? -by two guys as far as i know
24. You're in a public bathroom and there's no toilet paper. What do you do? -get out
25. Have you ever found anything in your parent's bedroom that was questionable? -nope
26. What was your childhood nickname? -Tiu and Pirpaleena
27. When is the last time you played the air guitar? -an hour ago (it's funny what you are ready to do to keep the kids happy)
28. Have you ever peeked into the opposite sex's locker room?-no... i don't remember. i might have
29. What's the weirdest thing you've done while driving? -does golf car count?
30. Have you ever bitten your toenails? -i hope not
31. How do you eat your cookies? -i inhale them
32. When working out at the gym, do you wear a belt? -no, but your mom does
33. Name something you do when you're alone that you wouldn't do in front of anyone. -umm... i can do almost anything in front of ppl so i'll answer this when i remember something.
34. Girls: Do you shave your toes? -no
35. Have you ever played doctor and nurse or a similar game? -heck yeah
36. How many drinks does it take before you get drunk? -from the first smirnoff my face gets numb, i think i get drunk after 6 smirnoffs
37. Have you ever sniffed an animal's butt? What kind? -LOL :DDDD you sicko
38. How often do you clean out your ears? -i don't need to, the kids here are so loud that their screaming works wonders
39. Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? -usually fold
40. About how many times a day do you pick a wedgie? -LOL :DDDD
41. Do you have any phobias? -water, drowning and flying... i guess i'm a bit agoraphobic as well
42. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? -not that i remember
43. What is the stupidest thing you've ever done at a bar or a party? -speaking italian on the floor is always stupid. i've also danced on glass pieces without shoes and... yeah. my dancing style is also pretty stupid.
44. Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted? -yes
45. Have you ever called your love interest by an ex's name? -no
46. Have you ever gotten caught farting while on a date? -no
47. Have you ever played naked twister? -HAHA no :(
48. Have you ever been drunk at work? -nope
49. Have you ever found your date's/lover's brother or sister more attractive? -nah
50. Do you want to bring sexy back? -no but i want a sexy back

okay i'm bored.

40 questions you've never done before!

1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering? on the door
2. What kind of mouse pad do you have? it has polka dots and it's from ikea
3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush? brush
4. From your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity? Tiziano Ferro
5. You got a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue? what i have
6. Chicken or pork adobo? um yes please
7. By the time you get to school, is the sky still dark? i don't go to school
8. If you had a choice to see a unicorn or mermaid which would it be? unicorn
9. what color is your underwear? pink
10. What time does the sun usually set? 5ish i think, it gets dark early
11. What do you think of last before you go to sleep? someone who's important to me
12. AC or fan? no thanks, it's so cold in here that i don't need one
13. Do you wear braces? no, never
14. Can you hand stand? well... yeah, but not that well
15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? like Samuel
16. What level math are you in? LOL
18. Which subject is worst, English or Math? Math
19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment? learn the fricking icelandic
20. After buying something, do you automatically throw it? hummm depends
21. CD player or iPOD? ipod if i had money for it
22. Would you rather spin upside down goin 30 miles per hour or drop 400 ft. into water? no water thanks
23. What you got planned for the weekend? i go to a farm to chase wild icelandic horses away from our fields. i will also go to a party in a slaughter house, i don't know what it's going to be like!
24. Whats your favorite shape? heart
25. Have you ever gone ice skating? yes?
26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and a notepad what would you do? write lyrics
27. Is it always easy finding your remote everytime you want to watch TV? i don't watch tv that often here
28. How was your day? the kids screamed a lot, but they liked my cooking.
29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them? bite :(
30. Describe your handwriting: i don't like it that much
31. Do you consider yourself a stalker? hmm... depends on person
32. Do you bruise easily? yes
33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do? try to learn some japanese
34. Do you know more then 3 myspace codes? no
35. You have an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which do you choose? write in pen
36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home? no
37. Describe yourself using one word? predictable
39. Do you like ice in your drink? sometimes
40. Do you have abs? not yet, but i'm working on them.

jæja.Keskiviikko 25.10.2006 04:04

1. Toinen nimesin väärinpäin: mulla on kaks :l irtak ja ikkinieh
2. Onko etunimelläsi joku tarina: ei varmaa tietoa, pitaa kysaista
3. Syntymäpäiväsi: 26.5.
4. Asuinpaikkasi: Eyrarbakki, mut virallinen koti Turussa

5. Kukkaroasi: oranssi-keltainen Marimekon pussukka
6. Silmiäsi: iloisen mitaansanomattoman variset, vois mun puolesta olla kauniimmat
7. Hammasharjaasi: punavalkoinen joku halpisjuttu
8. Päivittäisiä korujasi: kaulassa roikkuva risti (tai varikas tahti, joka voi myos nayttaa japanilaiselta talolta!), ylaasteen luokkasormus, kello ja kauheesti kesalla tehtyja ystavannauhoja. on tossa myos elama lapselle -ranneke ja keltaiset helmet.
9. Kännykkääsi: 3200 missa on Tiziano Ferron lyriikoita etukannessa ja takapuolella kreikkalaista lopinaa
10. Tyynyliinojasi: kukalliset
11. Autoasi: ei oo eika oo tulossakaan vahaan aikaan
12. Huonettasi: kivampi ku mita osasin toivoa :)
13. Aurinkolasejasi: jenkeista ostetut viiden dollarin lasit mitka on niin isot blingbling etten kehtaa kayttaa niita
14. Shampootasi: joku hilsesemmonen
15. Tuoksujasi/hajuvesiäsi: deodorantti :D tulee paa tosi helposti kipeeks kaikista tuoksuista, pitais loytaa joku kiva mieto
16. CD stereoitasi: joku missa ei oo kuulokeliitantaa :D
17. Lävistyksiä: korvissa 5
18. Mitä on nyt päälläsi: alusvaatteet, farkut ja punanen camp massanetta -paita
19. Toiveita: saada kavereita, puhua eraan ihmisen kanssa ja oppia islannin kieli mahd. pian
20. Tahtomisia: no tota... saada selvitettya pari asiaa.
21. Mitä teet tämän jälkeen: suihkun kautta sankyyn ja sit luen ja sit nukun.
22. Jos saisit tappaa jonkun ja et jäisi siitä kiinni, kenet tappaisit: kaikki hyttyset
23. Henkilö/itä ketkä haluaisit nähdä juuri nyt: arvaapa
24. Lempielokuviasi: voih, niita on monta!
25. Soittotaito: suunsoiton lisaksi pasuuna, rummut seka auttava piano :DD hahha.
26. Mitä söit viimeksi: daimia
27. Mitä pelkäät kuollaksesi: hmm. vetta ja lentamista ja yksinaisyytta ja pimeeta
28. Pidätkö kynttilöistä: ya man
29. Pidätkö suitsukkeista: tulee paa kipeeks joskus :( mut tykkaan.
30. Pidätkö veren mausta: nei
31. Uskotko rakkauteen: já
32. Uskotko rakkauteen ensisilmäyksellä: uskon
33. Oletko rakastunut: mieti sita!
34. Uskotko Taivaaseen: uskon
35. Uskotko Jumalaan: totta munassa
36. Tatuointeja: sit jos keksin jotain pienta ni pitkan pohdinnan jalkeen
37. Nälkä: naah
38. Oletko addiktoitunut MySpaceen: olen :(
39. Osaatko syödä puikoilla: hahha, joo xD
40. Lempikolikko: australialaiset kolikot oli aika sopoja.
41. Lempikarkki: Daim ja siniset mariannet
42. Lempilimu: pepsi max ja root beer
43. Jotain, mitä haluaisit ymmärtää paremmin: islannin kielta
44. Jos voisit kääntää aikaa taaksepäin, mitä muuttaisit: enpas kerrokaan
45. Miljoona euroa lahjoitetaan sinulle! Yksi asia, minkä ostat: oman lentokoneen ja lentajan
46. Kokkaatko: kyllä
47. Oletko ujo ihastuksesi lähettyvillä: tarisen, enka voi sille mitaan, mutta ajan myota se helpottaa. olen ujo.
48. Lempikukka: ruiskaunokki ja neilikka
49. Tiedätkö miltä tuntuu olla rakastunut: tiedan

\o/Keskiviikko 20.09.2006 14:20

"Halló Siru,
Við hlökkum mikið til að sjá þig."


voiko ihanammin päivä enää alkaa \o/