


Я не говорю по-русски.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.01.2011 15:48

As the darkness falls I am close to you
Blades unsheathed and ready to stab
Your last breath is long overdue
This time there's no turning back

I see the pain again in your eyes
Reflections of our past diminishing in the dark
A crimson stream is all thats left of what was you
Now as Death grasps your soul so cruel

Mutilated and glorified your body lies so still
Obsessed with your pain I carve more sins
Into your warm flesh

No more pain in your eyes
You lie dead yet still warm in the dark
I devour your blood and hunger for more
So obscene yet I feel so whole

As I leave you behind there's no turning back
You are no more and so it shall be
'Til the day is one with the night and everything turns black

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