


"You jumpstart my serotonin."

Schoolboy deathwishMaanantai 07.02.2011 06:08

Before you get wasted again
write everything down
may you never forget
remember your words
"Sex is a curse"

Use lipstick or use your sperm
our blistered smiles
will never make a difference
don't make a difference

I am happy if you are
and you're a man, so you don't love
growing down, growing apart
good boys always hide their scars
I am happy if you are
and you're glad when I am gone
and when you are glad then I am gone

Plain skin
always return
deeper in
the houses around us
buildings full of homes
every home has its window
but curtains just hang on unnoticed
a lantern fell six floors crashing
somebody gave it as a
Christmas present
forgive forget
get forgotten

I am happy if you are
and you're a man, so you don't love
growing down, growing apart
good boys always hide their scars
I am happy if you are
and you're glad when I am gone
and when you are glad then I am gone

Ultranoir - Schoolboy deathwish

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