
Panda EyesMaanantai 29.01.2007 11:42

Million miles away
YouÂ’re alone with Your empty words
In a Dreadful house with blocked windows
ItÂ’s a House behind my back &
I will never turn
I swear IÂ’ll never return

Sounds pretentious
But it hurts
Take back your empty words
Dreams floating away into the maze
I try to follow

Blind eyes in my ears
Have a sense of smell
ThatÂ’s because My body felt strange vibrations
In Front of us are the hills
But I will never turn
I swear IÂ’ll never return

Sounds pretentious
But it hurts
Take back your empty words
Dreams floating away into the maze
I try to follow

I ride through the fire like a knight
I can feel the shine of blue moon
IÂ’m alone with my sword
IÂ’ll show to the eagles how to fly
Tonight IÂ’ll fight till
all my enemies Are Dead
Call me a warrior

I tried to give you my everything
While you were running out
My sword just was not enough for you
I wanted to give
I was ready to give

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