


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

The 10thTorstai 01.05.2008 19:55

There're the streets almost art
Super shineing are the stars,
The 10th grade, in the city

There's excitement in the air
our brains fuse together
The 10th grade in the city.

Our class, we almost just met
but I think you are number ones my true mates
in the city.

metal music and drinking mess
Just there 10th grade in the city.

We ruin the buildings,
laugh at the fool teens,
Paint the walls
The night is young
we just jump high under the cars
And no-one tells us what to do
it's great to be so free

And we are having fun
just 10th grade in the city
Having lots of fun
just 10th grade in the city
yes we're having fun
just 10th grade in the city

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