


Life,it's a dream..and i wanna live it!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.08.2008 19:52

Omituista miten sitä huomaa kuinka erillaisia ihmiset voivat olla, niiden tavat reakoida asioihin.

Töissä huomas ja alko miettiin et jotkut ottavat aika paljon paineita siitä mitä tekevät, vaikka vastuu ei juuri painakkaan, en silti ymmärrä sitä et siel rikotaan itsensä, ja kirotaan koneet syvimpää helvettiin.

Ihmisten pitäs osata rentoutua ja nauraa niille murheille ja huonoil päivil, emme tuntisi onnelisuutta jollei niitä huonoja päiviä olisi joukossa, tosin on niitäkin ketkä hymyilee sen 24/7, mikä on ihailtava piire ihmisessä samoin se että osaa ottaa asiat huumorilla, eikä mennä kyrpä ottas kohti huomista.

Love to be beside you and the way you smell
The way your lips feel and your fingernails.
The way your fingers crawl up my spine,
Though you always make me the last in line.

I carry the weight of the world as the past is unfurled, but I won't stop to
Going through this life on my own made me cold as a stone; I'm a ship going

And I'd tell you this, but I don't know how.
And I'm caving in, and I'm falling out.
And I can't resist, and I can't rebound.
with the weight of the world as the world falls down.

It's the way you thrill me, then pull away.
The way you seem to kill me, a little more each day.
And it's what you're thinking in your twisted mind.
The way your body trembles, when it's next to mine.

I carry the weight of the world as the past is unfurled, but I won't stop to
Going through this life on my own made me cold as a stone; I'm a ship going

And I'd tell you this, but I don't know how.
And I'm caving in, and I'm falling out.
And I can't resist, and I can't rebound.
With the weight of the world as the world falls down.

And I'd tell you this, but I don't know how.
And I'm caving in, and I'm falling out.
And I can't resist, and I can't rebound.
With the weight of the world as the world falls down.

(I feel the weight of the world as it's falling down)
(I feel the weight of the world as it's falling down)
(I feel the weight of the world as it's falling down)
(I feel the weight of the world as it's falling down)

This pain I think about it everyday,
it tells me I'm never gonna get away.
I know it's over, but I can't escape
memories and how to face another day.

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