


on onnellinen...<3

.......Sunnuntai 23.07.2006 02:25

*How come you´re blaming me about
The things that I have never done
It´s such a shame
Well, it´s your weakness that you hide
So, don´t tell me how to live my life
´Cause you´re so lame

You may steal my wings tonight
But I´ll pay you back for your surprise
(you know where you all belong)
You may feed my rage to fight
And I´ll tear you down with my device
(you know where you all belong)

Well, I suppose you have the facts
To criticize me all the time
Are you the judge who decides?

It´s your time to cry
I´ll wash you away
I will be your doom and disgrace*

(Entwine - Someone To Blame)

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