
.....Perjantai 31.08.2007 00:34

Good Times/Bad Times
by Emma

Many broken pieces
Shattered, now apart
What can I do to mend it?
To mend by broken heart?

I walk along the beach
Leaving footprints cold and bare
How can I enjoy the sunset,
When thereÂ’s no one here to share?

There used to be a pair,
Of footprints next to mine.
But they washed away with waves
And the shifting sands of time.

All I can do now,
Is remember how things were.
The good times, not the bad times,
Which caused my heart to stir.

To live to die,
What does it matter?
While I am in this state.
I didnÂ’t know how much I loved,
Until it was too late.

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