


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

u should be proud of me. lol.Lauantai 29.12.2007 02:15

its a friday night! and im going out with stewart, jon n eric. sweet.

i think that its bowling time. or movie. i dunno.

hannah is going to basketball game with devon n devons mom. lol. i swear that i would have more fun. lol. n i know i have!

haha. this is fun. i could type in finnish but i love english and sometimes this is easier for type. lol.

could u believe that i've been here like over 4 months and i can speak n write english soooooo well? Nope. i knew it. nobody can believe that here is almost same girl who left and was soooooo scaried and stuff. lol.

maybe i should move to va. wat u think? or maybe not.

but anyway i love this country like sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and i love this ppl more than u guys. ehhh. not really. i just kidding. finland is always home, but america is other home. lol.

im soooooo excited about tonite! lol. i wanna go n do something wild n crazy. n i know tht im doing something like that, cause im with eric. lol. if hannah would know that im going out with guys, she would kill me like in this second. shit. but its not my fault that eric wanna hang out more with me than her. lol. i like b popular. n yesterday hannah saw chris black, he is football player n ivans like best friend. lol.
n i dunno wat i should thinking bout ivan. i saw him last time like week ago. lol. n he didn't came our christmas party. but do u know wat? I DONT REALLY CARE! lol.
ok, im wild n crazy and i've not done anything. lol. haha. no my english teacher would be proud of me. I CAN WRTE IN ENGLISH!

yeah. i think that this is evrything wat im feeling rigt now. see ya!

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