


The thesis is the most important part of your paper or essay, in a few lines it explains what stance the writer is going to take and how this paper or essay would relate to the topic. Not only this but the thesis statement also defines the flow of your paper, after defining the writer's stance and relation, it defines how the writer in paper writing service are going to defend this thesis. The flow is represented in the rationale of the thesis.

            For example: if you are writing on the right of abortion and your thesis statement is, “Women should have the absolute right to abortion because, it is their body and they should be allowed to treat it any way they like, right to abortion will reduce the complications of a relationship, abortion is perfectly healthy and abortion is more human rights friendly than unwanted pregnancy”. Now in this thesis statement everything after “because” is your rationale and it defines the flow of the paper. Anyone who will write my paper and read your thesis statement will expect to see a paragraph on

1)  Changes woman's body goes through during pregnancy

2)    Relationship and complexities

3)    How abortion can save your relationship

4)    Why is abortion considered bad for health?

5)    What are the advantages of abortions?

6)    What are the disadvantages of abortions?

7)    Disadvantages of unwanted pregnancy.

8)    And why is abortion better.

One thesis statement provided you with ideas for 8 paragraphs and this is good enough to write a 9-10 pages long paper/essay and even if you have acquired “write my essay for me” services, providing them with your thesis will help the writer create an essay personalized to you.

            But your paper as an essay writer will only flow so smoothly if your topic sentences are connected to your thesis statement. Topic sentences are what define your paragraph, topic sentences are the first statement of your paragraph and they define what your paragraph is about, they represent your stance in that paragraph.

            Writing proper topic sentences is very essential, it allows the readers to navigate your paper easily and provide a sense of connection between your stance on the topic, that is your thesis statement and your paragraph. Connecting your topic sentences with your thesis statement is a basic “how to write my essay” trick, everyone must know how to connect these two, and learning this is quite easy and only requires a few tips and tricks.

1)     Draw your paragraphs: once you have written your thesis statement, draw out all the paragraphs that are mentioned in that thesis, just like the above example. Once all the possible paragraph ideas from the thesis are exhausted, research on each paragraph, make up your mind, and write a strong sentence that defines your mind on the topic of that paragraph.

2)    Postpone your rationale: it is not necessary to write a complete thesis at the beginning of your paper, you can always write the thesis and especially the rationale of that thesis after you have completed that paper or you can provide your essay to some “write my essay” service providers and ask them to create a rationale for you. The main reason for postponing a thesis for essay writing service is, that especially if you are a student or an online writer and you are writing a paper just because of an assignment or order you might not have done all the research first hand and formatting a thesis without research can disrupt your whole flow of the paper. So, do your research, write your whole paper and then reverse engineer your thesis.

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