


› we will run and scream - you will dance with me

tylsää vai tylsää :)Torstai 17.11.2011 22:18

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: horny male here'

You: uuu that's dirtyyy

Stranger: u f?

You: then i better not tell you what's the lemonade OH SWEET LEMONADE made of
You: i sure am
You: a female
You: if you meant that by 'f'
You: because it only reminds me of THE F-WORD
You: that's not supposed to be said out loud :)

Stranger: i meant female

You: okay
You: that's cool, that's cool
You: cos i'm one
You: got vagina and everything'

Stranger: want me 2 make it wet/?

You: nah, no need, i have water nearby
You: but YOU
You: my friend
You: need a banana.
You: Eat one and you'll be happy again.

Stranger: tat may
Stranger: wrk
Stranger: yeah

You: it sure will!
You: or if it won't.... try a strawberry
You: those are good for your health :)

Stranger: :)
Stranger: tanx
Stranger: fo d infi
Stranger: info

You: no problemos amigo, just doin' my job!
You: and now, to infinity AND BEYOND! ~<3

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