
As I feel the flaming time
well here we are well here we are

Being most uncertain
If it were only you
Honesty. Compassion. Generosity.

It went mmmmmm
Shaken this has left me
Lyrics by David Byrne

Birds of Voices
Naked on the grass
They pass. Never touching.

Maybe it's the hum
Of the time burned away
on the floor
Returning Love

And now I'm freezing
Over and over again:
We pressed out ears
And it will surely pass

Love likes me
Still for better
And I said I wasn't really sure
Who pass through his room.

A nimbus humming cloud
With a blinding bolt of sleeplessness
I'm Laughing at Love
In my way
Who would you be then?
Bravery. Honesty. Dignity.

Maybe it's the mantra
To relieve my stormy mind
We are old Friends
And This Remains
The man is awake now

Drink Me
Drink Me
Drink Me
Drink Me

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