
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 22.04.2007 22:11

Norther - fuck you

You know nothing about us
You think that we're not cool
You say we've got nothing to give
We just say: FUCK YOU!
We don't care about you thoughts
We will hate you anyway
You're just a piece of SHIT!
We take no shit from no-one

Fuck you! You're just a piece of shit!
Fuck you! We take no shit!

We take no shit from no-one
You can say whatever you dare
It's all the same cos we don't care

Fuck you! You're just a piece of shit!
Fuck you! We take no shit!
Fuck you! You're just a piece of shit!
Fuck you! We take no shit!

Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!

Fuck you! You're just a piece of shit!
Fuck you! We take no shit!

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