


Joku anarkisti voisi ajatella just tollee!

Ei ole kiva päiväMaanantai 25.05.2020 18:56

Nothing can make it clear how insecure and uncertain of myself I am. Saying lack of confidence and mental courage doesn't suffice.

But this isn't a psychosis. What I have one week after drinking is psychosis.

One week sober and a strange feeling of the moment starts creeping in. Sounds become much more "final" and then in some point of the day it settles down. And it feels like you've just taken an enormous hit from a bong.

Boundaries are dissolving left and right. This is absolutely detrimental to the type of society we live in. But it can tolerate a certain number of shamanistic explorers. Yogis.. Witch-doctors. Becaude it must. It is imperative to it's functions and survival to have as it's member a real witch.

Now that was 1000 to say 50000 years ago. Today they just lock you up and say it's schizophrenia. Is it a miracle that society is about to turn the lights off of the planet? No!

Mä keksin äsken ton koko tekstin lonkalta.
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