


with the power to be powerful

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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 05.06.2008 23:14

Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
MIHI s e MURSU katos
Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
toi yks
Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
joka oli äske koko ajajaja väänes
Joshu «And I was left only with a piece of the dream» sanoo:
tukehtuks se nauru 8<

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