


Truth is written in blood, Sanity is written in ink.

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.12.2010 03:42

I got ice in my veins
blood in my eye
hate in my heart
love in my mind

I seen nights full of pain
days of the same
you keep the sunshine
save me the rain

I search but never find
hurt but never cry
i work and forever try
but im cursed so never mine

and its worse but better times

seems further and beyond
the top gets higher the more that I climb
the spot gets smaller and I get bigger
trying to get in where I fit in

all this bullsh-t have made me strong, mutherf-cker.



The truth leads to the lies
The heart aint always right
And I see that love is blind now
Boy you use to have my trust
Without no trust there aint no us boy.

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