


Truth is written in blood, Sanity is written in ink.

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Play - Girl's MindPerjantai 28.09.2007 07:26

When you hear us say “yes,” it sometimes means “no…”
WeÂ’ll tell you to step, when we want you to go
I know that weÂ’re different, but weÂ’re all the same
ItÂ’s all in the games that we play

Now if you wanna please me donÂ’t take it so far
You think its gonna be easy but youÂ’re tryinÂ’ to hard
Gotta know how to treat me, if you know what I mean
ItÂ’s still the devil and angel IÂ’m caught between

You donÂ’t get it, donÂ’t see it, don't know what I want
DonÂ’t know how IÂ’m feelinÂ’ you got me all wrong boy
So donÂ’t you forget it, youÂ’ll never get inside
A girlÂ’s mind

If you heard what IÂ’m sayinÂ’, youÂ’ll be thinking it through
You wonÂ’t do what you want, but what I want you to do
Will you figure me out or misunderstand
‘Cause I really want you to know who I am

If you only knew what I feel for you
If youÂ’d only see what you mean to me
If youÂ’d only hear how much I care
YouÂ’d know whatÂ’s goinÂ’ on inside my head

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