
Sometimes used interchangeably, a service, therapy and emotional support animals are different from each other. Many people think that they are the same, which is wrong. To get the right kind of animal, a person needs to work with an expert who could advise and guide him better.

In case of getting an emotional support animal, you will need to get a valid ESA letter for it. However, before purchasing, make sure that you ask for an ESA letter sample to see if they have added everything in it.

Back to our main point, what are the key differences between a service, therapy and emotional support animal? We have discussed everything in the following sections.

What is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)?

An emotional support animal is unlike a therapy and service dog or animal. It provides multiple therapeutic effects and is found to be really helpful in multiple mental and behavioral disorders. They have limited legal rights but the owners still enjoy housing and travel rights.

With an ESA, the owner can live and fly for free. As general requirements, an ESA should be well behaved and prescribed by a local licensed mental health practitioner.

Some of the conditions in which an ESA could help are PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic attacks and loneliness. For many, having an ESA means having a companion and someone from whom they could expect unconditional love and support.

What is a Service Animal?

As the name says it all, a service animal is specifically trained to perform some task or duty. This task is according to the needs of its owner and could range from guiding a blind person, acting as a hearing aid for the deaf people, helping a person with autism and steering the wheelchair.

Service animals, usually a dog, has more rights than an ESA and a therapy animal and has full access to public places. Most therapy dogs and ESAs are not allowed in restaurants and supermarkets but a service animal is different.

They are also allowed to take public transport and fly with their owners. Though every airline has different rules and policies but generally, these animals should sit on the owner’s lap or in their feet. They must stay out of the other passengers’ and airline staff’s way.

What is a Therapy Animal?

A therapy animal is somewhat like an ESA but with limited rights and requirements. Where an ESA is sometimes trained to provide some specific kind of service or comfort to the owner, a therapy animal, or a dog, often works alongside its owner.

It is a volunteer animal and they are seen, with their owners, at places like hospitals, clinics, mental health institutions, nursing homes and schools. These animals provide love and comfort and are trained to be comfortable in unfamiliar environments and with strangers.

Since their role is limited, their rights are also limited. However, if someone wants to register their dog as a therapy animal, you will need to get your dog certified for the role.

You will find a number of online sources that claim to offer and give free emotional support animal letter but beware, such claims are false and you will end up with fake ESA letter.

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