
hmmmmmmm.Tiistai 31.03.2009 22:03

tekee mieli kattoo across the universe nyt :(
voisin kyl kattoo sen illalla tai jotain :))))))))))))))))

haluan sen 21'in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason "Igby" Slocumb, Jr., the film's protagonist, a sarcastic and rebellious teenager looking for a better life.
Sookie Sapperstein, Igby's terminally bored on-and-off Bennington girlfriend who later goes with his older brother.
D.H. Banes, Igby's wealthy but morally bankrupt godfather.
Jason Slocumb, Sr., Igby's schizophrenic father.
Mimi Slocumb, Igby's cold, self-obsessed mother.
Oliver "Ollie" Slocumb, Igby's ambitious older brother.
Russel, a heroin-dealing performance artist who befriends Igby.
Rachel, D.H.'s heroin-addicted trophy mistress who claims to be an artist.

jotenki nuo kuulostaa niin weirdiltä xD vaikka se leffa on aivan loistava :)))) xD

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