


ei ehkä ollu täällä tänäänkään.

Crepuscular SolidaoKeskiviikko 07.12.2005 03:29

Vento di mar
Traze'me um cretcheu
Ness detardinha
Di ceu nublado

Um tchuva d'amor
Pode faze flori
Um coracao
Quemode di paixao

Na patamar
Dum vida singela
'm contempla
Dona felicidade

Nem um olhar
'm encontra
Num multidao
Tao solitaria

Ja tem gente
Gente ate demas
Qu'tita sofre
Na solidao

Ja tem gente
Qu'ta quase ta morre
Na luz cadente
Dum crepusculo

© Teofilo Chantre
Esittäjä: Cesaria Evora

Twilight loneliness

O! wind coming from the sea
Bring me love
On this cloudy end
Of afternoon

A rain of love
Can make blossom
A heart that was devastated
By passion

On the treshold of a singular life
I conptemplated Mother Happiness
But I haven't come across a set of eyes
In such a lonely crowd

There are people
Too many people
Who suffer from loneliness

There are people
Too many people
Who are almost dying
By the fading twilight

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