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Peter Bjorn and JohnLauantai 26.07.2008 00:39

There are some countries people like, there are some coutries people like not. And there aint have to be any special reason for that. Its just like with food, you cant like everything. I dont like ice-creams for example.

Just hookin' the thought, i only wanted to say quite smoothly that i dont like Sweden. I wanted to do it smoothly cos i cant precise why it is so. Great arguments kinda "Sweden is so Gay" of course couldve appeared, but they wont, even if this is the way im thinking.

But even countries like that, have undeniable pluses. Sweden has some also, i must admitt. Like shoes for exaple. But its not shoes what i wanted to point here.

Have you ever wanted to say sth, but you didnt know how? Have you ever wanted to say sth to sb and you didnt know how? Have you ever didnt want to say sth straight, but you werent able to put it behind metaphore good enough? Have you ever didnt know what you really feel, or how you really feel like which was, how BORAT would say that, "pain in your asses"?

Well i did.

And there was one day, when old friend of mine sent me a message with link. "You have to see that" - He said. I know him well enough to feel that he really means sth. He meant it that time. Thats how i get know about some three guys from Sweden, that can speak with their music better than i can often speak with my words.

I dont wanna simply paste all their lyrics available, so ill just paste small sample, small little sth.

"and the question is, was i more alive
then than i am now?
i happily have to disagree;
i laugh more often now, i cry more often now,
i am more me."

i wouldnt say it better.

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