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- Vanhempi »

1Sunnuntai 25.09.2005 00:15


broken dreams
beauty stories
are ednind sadly

mortal beginning
deep blue futures
whose canÂ’t be true
(just beautiful sentences)

I gave you
my heart
So why donÂ’t you take it?
ThatÂ’s the biggest thing what I can ever do

I see you
In my eyes
Your smile is hurting me

I wanna hold you
In my earms
Please, take my hand
(donÂ’t let it go)

I gave you
my heart
So why donÂ’t you take it?
ThatÂ’s the biggest thing what I can ever do

My sleeping beauties
My snow whites
All my daydreams

They are broken
like a mirror
I see shards on the floor
(they are my bad memories)

all what can I see
on those splinters
are just bloody chains

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