
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 01.12.2007 01:19

Alumiinia, valurautaa & lepakon esinahkaa.

Mun kengät siis.
Kiitos Markus :'D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 18:19

Keskustaaaan <3
Jykä pyörii tos takana sängyllä ja puhuu jonnen kans puhelimessa. Kova meno oli äsken etten sanois :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 15:31

Pe-La: Haukiluoma
La-Su: Haukiluoma
Su-Ma: Koskenkylä
Ma-Ti: Krääkkiö
Ti-Ke: Krääkkiö
Ke-To: Koskenkylä
To-Pe: Krääkkiö
Pe-La: Haukiluoma
La-Su: Koskenkylä

Öö niin missä mä asuinkaan..? :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 15:24

Haukiluomaaa :D <3

On se koulunkäynti muuten rankkaa! :'D

I DON'T WANT TO LOSE THIS FEELING!Perjantai 30.11.2007 02:24


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 01:45

Jekku sanoo:
Meen laittaa tuCCa naamion
Jekku sanoo:
En meekkä
Jekku sanoo:
Meen siivoo meiCCipöytää

Ja ikää oli? :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 01:23

Jekku sanoo:
Mieti annakko sille vai et!
marita/matita/maritainen/meritaimen sanoo:
annoin jo XD

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 01:17

marita/matita/maritainen/meritaimen sanoo:
tuut sen kans varmana toimeen
marita/matita/maritainen/meritaimen sanoo:
niin koska oot rahoissa

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.11.2007 01:05

I've got you in my life, there's a part of you in every thing I do.
I think about you all the time, I was born to love you.

When you're next to me, I feel like I'm in heaven.
I'm in extacy 24/7.
You're my destiny, we're meant to be together.
You're love gets to me, I want you here forever.

Lose This Feeling.Perjantai 30.11.2007 00:21

My arms can't wait to hold you.
My lips can't wait to kiss.

You better hurry up boy, You don't know what you've missed.

I don't wanna lose this feeling, please don't walk away.
I don't wanna lose this feeling, I miss you every day.

My heart is in your hands, now my eyes are stuck on you.
I want to be your lover, I hope you like me too.

I hope you understand how lonely life has been.
Before you came my way, all I did was dream.