


turn the lights off

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.12.2007 20:53

Gustav: Bill really messed up.
Tom: In Paris? Oh, yeah!
Bill: They told you about that?
Those jerks!
Tom: Bill totally screwed up!
It was really embarrassing.
Bill: Actually, our crew screwed things up.
Tom: I was totally in the groove.
In my element.
We're all feeling great.
Then Bill sings too early, and we lose it.
Bill: It wasn't my fault.
Tom: The rhythm was totally off!
I could never do that.
Bill: The in-ear-monitoring system gave out.
I swear.
They're made to fit my ears,
but they weren't fitting right.

- Oh! That's dirty.
Bill: I don't want to.
That hurts.
- Really? I'll be really careful.
Bill: They got plugged, somehow.
I couldn't hear, so I had to take them out
and I let the water drain out. Then I
put them back in, and I could hear again.
Tom: And who said, "I'll never mess up" ?
It's happened a few times on this tour.
Even Bill messes up.
Gustav: Like our crew says,
"That's rock and roll."

Ihania kun ne puhuu tolleen... ristiin <3

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