


turn the lights off

whistler ♥Sunnuntai 06.09.2009 22:43

Iski hirvee into kattoa Whistleriä ja nyt mua vituttaa sairaasti kun mä en voi. Saatana. Eka kausi oli niin loistava.

Feeney: That was uh... weird. You're going on a date with AJ Varland. You're going on a man date.
Quinn McKaye: It's not a "man date." [pause] God I hope it's not a man date.

A.J. Varland: He was always like ten steps ahead of me. Best I was around him was second best.
Quinn McKaye: You just summed up my first seventeen years.

Quinn McKaye: You have a great place, Mr. Varland.
Adrien Varland: You don't need to be so formal, Quinn. Adrian. Please.
Quinn McKaye: Yeah, uh, yes sir, Mr... Adrian.

Quinn McKaye: It wasn't that bad. I just, I needed some alone time.
Feeney: Ah, yes, alone time. Don't you normally reserve that for when the Victoria's Secret catalog comes out?
Quinn McKaye: Glad to see you're still the same jackass.

Isabelle: [about Beck] I'm sorry about your boyfriend.
Carrie Miller: Oh, Quinn's not my boyfriend.

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