


like Shaggy wud say "it wazn meeh"

how long is this?Sunnuntai 06.05.2007 18:42

lookin through the fotos that dont represent
tho still it is seen how i changed durin the past years
how is it gonna be
that i cant find exactly what i want
the way i wanna be
the way when it is the real me
how long it is gonna take to be open perfectly for the world
they say im closed
but maybe i can be opened
to see the soul inside out
the naked truth
how long it is gonna take to put ma mind in order
to get the troubles all away
to find the way to go, holdin the hand of the one i got?
gimme a piano ill show u how i feel
makin the random sounds of me
ill play everything i had and hav
ill show how sad and arrogant the music can be bcz it is me
gimme a pencil and paper ill show what i got
with the simple lines i make
gimme ppl and music ill show how ma life is
ill make them dance the way it was

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