


Shiny Leaf is a US-based company that manufactures and distributes all-natural skin care, hair care, and bath & body products.

Winter Hair Care TipsKeskiviikko 19.12.2018 09:25

Winter has come and your hair is all dried up. Find out how to manage your tresses with these tips and tricks.

Winter is finally here and it’s the time to look our very best. When the cold air seeps in your house, it strips away moisture from your skin and hair. You don’t have to worry anymore. There are ways to manage your tresses from breaking.

Tips to Revive Your Dry Hair
Winter season make your hair dull. Here are the following tips to rescue your dry strands from the cold.

1. Use a Hydrating Shampoo
Your regular shampoo may not be as effective when cleansing your hair. The cold weather dries out your strands easily. Switch it up with a hydrating shampoo if you need to cleanse your scalp. Look for ingredients that contain humectants, such as Shea butter or castor oil.

Castor oil shampoo hydrates and strengthens your strands. It contains fatty acids that restore moisture to your hair. Want to try using this shampoo? Shiny Leaf’s Cold Pressed Castor Oil Shampoo is a great choice for you.

2. Use a Moisturizing Conditioner
Don’t skip conditioner when doing your hair care routine. It’s essential to add extra moisture, even when you’re stuck at home. Conditioner creates a barrier to lock in the moisture on your hair shaft. It helps hold in water when you shower to keep your locks hydrated.

3. Turn the Heat Down
A hot shower is tempting during the winter months. Heat strips off natural oils from your scalp and skin. Rinse your hair using lukewarm water the next time. Limit the time you spend in the shower if you can’t resist showering with hot water.

4. Apply a Hair Mask Treatment
Your hair is prone to flyaways and static in cold weather. Apply a hair mask once a week on your scalp to tame frizzy and dry tresses. Doing this ensures your hair maintains hydration. Masks have nourishing ingredients that penetrate your hair shaft.

5. Dry Your Hair Before Leaving the House
Don’t leave the house while your hair is wet. The cold air can freeze your cuticles causing them to break. Use a blow dryer at a low setting to dry out your hair. Apply a heat protectant if you are going to use heating tools. Doing this protects your strands from getting split ends.

6. Wear a Hat
Wearing a beanie or hat keeps your head warm. It also protects your hair from the cold weather. Hats keep your hair in place and prevent your strands from messing up. If you have long hair, tying your strands hold your hair in place.

7. Stay Hydrated
Lack of water affects your skin and hair. Your body receives less moisture compared to warmer months. Stay hydrated by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.

8. Use a Humidifier
Indoor heating can damage your tresses. Your hair becomes brittle and weak under dry conditions. Use a humidifier to regulate moisture in the air inside your house. Your hair and skin will benefit from this handy appliance.

The winter months don’t need to affect your hair and scalp. Following these tips keep your hair hydrated while you have all the fun during the festive season. Enjoy the snow while protecting your hair from the cold.

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