



Something to remember..Lauantai 08.04.2006 20:11

The mountains are calling me,
the sky is calling me.
Someone is waiting me in the distance.
Something is thrilling me,
now I know why I was born

Run away!
Run away!
Run like the wind.
Overcome what yoy used to be until yesterday.
Let's go to tomorrow to be bigger than me.
You know youth:
unburn out shooting star

You turn around slowly,
when your mother calls you.
But this dream you once had
you can't give to anyone.
Can't hand it over.

Run away!
Run away!
Run without hesitation.
The tears you have shed are already started to dry.
A new sun is rising at the other side of the road.
Somebody says:
"Let's run side by side."

Run away!
Run away!
Run like the wind.
Overcome what you used to be until yesterday.
Let's go to tomorrow to be bigger than me.
You know youth:
unburn out shooting star!

(ja tietämättömille tiedoksi:tämä on vapaa käännös GNG:n tunnarista..en tosin jaksanut kääntää sitä itse :P)

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