


don't be a drag, just be a queen

XDLauantai 26.02.2011 18:02

"Finn Hudson?"

He spins around to see a dude he doesn't know, and why is a guy – wait, that's the dude from the photo when he went cyberstalking! Harry Potter!

...Which still doesn't explain why he's here, but whatever, Finn'll deal.

He gives the guy a shrug and a smile. "Hey," he says. "Yeah, that's me. Uh... who are you?"

The guy holds out his hand. "Blaine," he says, and – hey, Kurt is dating Harry Potter after all. Cool. Finn shakes his hand.

:D:D:D:D go Finn :'D

ps tänää Theatricalityyyyy ♥ Chris Gaga-asussa ja Cory suihkuverhossa lololol ja bäääd roumäääns ja kaikkee kivaa oaa
plus da scene med Finn ja Kurt HUAH

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