


don't be a drag, just be a queen

Keskiviikko 24.11.2010 23:15

"Draco," he said slowly, gaze sliding off to the side as a slight blush suffused his cheeks. "Do…do you think that…maybe…" Draco's brow furrowed while Harry steeled himself and turned back to Draco, giving him an intense, burning look that made Draco shiver as sudden warmth filled his chest. "Do you think that one day you might actually…love me?"

The question took Draco by surprise, so much that his mind went blank and was instead filled with a soft buzzing. His eyes widened, his face felt so hot he was sure it was bright red, but he couldn't think enough to form an answer. Nothing came to mind, he could barely comprehend what Harry had just asked him, but words were coming to his mouth and it was nothing he had thought about saying. They instead seemed to be coming from somewhere deeper inside him, but he could feel that they were true, and before anything else could happen, his mouth opened and his answer tumbled out.

"Harry, I think I already do."

And then the words were out in the open, hanging between them, and Draco felt inexplicably mortified. Harry was staring at him in disbelief, or incomprehension, except he was starting to smile. And now he was beaming, and he might have been trying to say something but Draco's ears were filled with nothing but a deafening roar and he couldn't get beyond anything but the fact that he had just told Harry that he loved him and-


Draco's head snapped up from where he'd apparently buried it against Harry's neck without even realizing that he had, and he looked fearfully at Harry.

"Draco, it's ok. Look, I-" Laughter bubbling forth from his throat interrupted him, and Draco would have thought Harry was laughing at him except he hadn't seen the boy look this happy in…well…actually, Draco didn't think he'd ever seen Harry look this happy. "Draco, I love you too!"

And just like that, Draco's embarrassment disappeared and the roaring in his ears faded and the world seemed to right itself again, so that all that mattered was him and Harry and this moment and-

"You do?" Draco asked faintly, hands curling into the material of Harry's shirt and gripping tight. Harry nodded quickly, still laughing. Draco laughed once too, except it almost sounded more like a sob, and then he and Harry were kissing again, kissing like they were about to be torn apart and this was the last minute they would have together and they were desperate for each other and trying to fully use each second that slipped by to their best advantage.

"I love you," Draco said when they separated, the words feeling foreign on his tongue but sounding absolutely right. Harry smiled, and then kissed him again.

............sulin. ♥

ja miten hitossa tää loppu jo ? Nyt on jotenki tyhjä olo tai sillai. Speechless.

Paras. Ficci. Ikinä. Pakko saada tulostettuu jossain vaiheessa.

Ja nyt vois mennä kattoo Feeniksin kiltaa ja sit myöhemmin lukee lisää hoodeeta :3

btw lol Greyn anatomias oli joku tyttö jolla oli Bieber-fever ja yh my eaaaars ku se soitti sen iphonest täysil Bieberii asd.

:'DTiistai 23.11.2010 21:39


Harry blinked. "Yes, sorry, what?"

"The bottle's landed on you, mate," Seamus said, a strong Irish tilt in his voice. Harry blinked again and glanced at the bottle disinterestedly.

"Right then, who am I kissing?" Aside from one or two nervous coughs, silence answered him. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, the bespectacled boy turned to Hermione, who was also looking a bit confused. Finding no help there, he then turned to Ron, who was staring across the circle in horror. "Erm…" Harry followed his gaze and his eyes found Malfoy, the blond boy's lips curled in disgust. He blinked once more, wondering who on Earth he would be kissing that had this effect on Malfoy even-


Eyes going wide, Harry snapped his gaze back around to meet Malfoy's and found, much to his own horror, that Malfoy's disgust was directed at him.

"Oh no…no way, no way in hell am I kissing Malfoy," Harry said, falling onto all fours and backing up slowly. "You can't make me!" There was still silence around the circle until Malfoy smirked and started casually observing his fingernails.

"Well, well, well, Potter. So much for that notorious Gryffindor bravery." He raised his eyes to meet Harry's, and his smirk widened. "Scared off by a little kiss. Even Brown wasn't afraid of kissing another girl."

"I have no problem kissing another boy, Malfoy, I just have a problem kissing you," Harry spat. Draco's eyebrows rose.

"Oh ho ho! No problem kissing a boy? Something you're not telling-"

"That's not what I meant!"

"I think it was."

"It was not!"

"Boys! I don't care who has a problem with what, I want to see some kissing!" Pansy broke in. She had a strange glint in her eyes.

And that was when Harry realized that something was very wrong with his classmates. Glancing around nervously, he noticed the same hungry look in many of the other girls' eyes, and Seamus' for that matter, but he ignored that. Most of the other boys simply looked interested, aside from Ron who was outright disgusted.

"Ew, gross, I agree with Harry, he shouldn't have to kiss Malfoy!" he exclaimed, nose wrinkling. Harry nodded vigorously and turned to Hermione, expecting the same support, only to find her with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"No, Ron, I think Harry should do it," she said softly. Pansy glanced at her and smirked. "After all, Lavender and Padma had to. It's only fair."

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, looking completely scandalized. Draco chuckled. "Shut up, Malfoy!"

"I just find it funny that you're so scared, Potter. Maybe that's what the Dark Lord should do, eh, offer to bugger you or some such? That'd send you running." He looked very smug.

"And why are you so eager, Malfoy? Something you're not telling us?" Harry snapped, finally turning back to face his nemesis. Draco opened his mouth to retort, paused, made some sort of indignant sound, and finally managed to speak something that made sense.

"Oh you wish, Potter!" Ok, so it wasn't his best comeback.

"If I don't see you two snogging in the next few seconds," Pansy started threateningly, pulling out her wand.

"Alright, fine!" Harry finally conceded, eyes narrowed angrily. "Get over here, Malfoy." Draco stared at him incredulously.

"Right, I think not. How about you come over here?"

"You were the one who was so eager to kiss me, you can move your own lazy arse!" Inwardly, Harry cringed as the argument quickly deteriorated into grade school nonsense.

"I don't think so, Potter, I was not eager to-"

"Alright, that does it!" Hermione stood and pulled her own wand out. She suddenly seemed very intimidating, looming overhead with a stormy expression on her face. Harry scowled at her and reluctantly dragged himself across the circle towards Malfoy, wondering when he'd wandered into an alternate universe where Slytherins and Gryffindors had parties together and Hermione wanted him to kiss Draco Malfoy.

"I knew you wanted it, Potter," Draco smirked at him. Harry decided not to point out the light pink blooming in his cheeks.

"Malfoy, shut up," he said tiredly instead.

"Make me, Potter," was Malfoy's reply, until what he said caught up with him and the smirk fell right off his face and apparently onto Harry's.

"Told you you wanted it," he said, eyes glinting, and then he reached out and grasped Draco by the chin, pulling him forward and placing his mouth determinedly on the other boy's.

Harry'd only kissed one other person before, and while the disaster with Cho had certainly not been the best experience of his life, he was glad he could still say he at least enjoyed that kiss far better than the one he was currently partaking in.

It lasted less than two seconds, but even that was too long for Harry. He pulled back almost immediately and wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve, though that was completely unnecessary because there had never been a kiss that was more tightly close-mouthed than the one that he and Draco had just shared.

Draco was doing the same thing, cheeks growing a deeper pink to match the color that Harry could feel burning in his own.

"Well that was the most disgusting thing I've ever experienced," Draco eventually said, breaking the deafening silence that had fallen. He sneered at Harry, and the green-eyed boy scowled right back.

"Not my fault you suck at kissing."

"Oh, sod off, Potter."


H/D on kyl ehdottomasti mun OTP2, heti frerrun jälkeen :: D

:333Tiistai 23.11.2010 21:24

Omnom luen tääl just yht H/Dtä ja aw :3 enkuks jopa, aiemmin oon lukenu enkuks vaa muutamaa MCR-ficciä ja yhtä Musea. Mut meh likes :3

ja on kivaa ku sen leffan jälkeen oon ollu vaa potterpotterpotter tomtomtom hoodeehoodeehoodee :: D

Ja soi pääs Love Game koska hoodeeee :333
:3 "It's the bottom curse!" "What?" "What is this?" "You never will be on top!" "He's bastard! My ass!" :'D ja awww "No, he's not only "Potter". He's mine!" :333 ja ah Tomin hymy <3 rakastannnn. " me please" *kiss* ja sit se ihana hymyilmesemmoneaww jasulan. <3

ja löysin jopa eile illal muutaman hoodeevideon jossa oli Musea niiku musiikkina :3 ah Muse + H/D = ♥ etenki se Sing for absolution oli aw :333

.......tunnelman pilaa vaa huomine hissan koe, mut onneks täs on viel aikaa lukee ja osaan nää semihyvin ku oon no ainaki jotenki keskittyny tunneil ja sillaiii

I KNEW ITMaanantai 22.11.2010 19:30

"We're not really enemies, we love each other, really" no duh :: D

aaaa hitto ne on sulosii varsinki Tom :333

ja asd kuolen tääl pikkase mun posket on iha jumis :::: D en pysty lopettaa hymyilemistä :'D

must take a deeper look : DD

Tom ♥

Tom ♥Maanantai 22.11.2010 19:08

hihii oon tääl iha Dracois Feltoneis ja sillai ::: D

katon kaikkii kivoi Tom videoita

ja nauranko edes,
"So tell me about your one-on-one with good old Daniel in the bathroom."

'Yeah. That sounds so wrong, doesn't it? Everytime we say it.. "Me and Daniel had a wand fight in the bathroom." God, it sounds so wrong!"

: DDDD eikä kuulosta yhtää väärält ku just oikeelta :''D

:: D Harryn ja Dracon lapsiLauantai 20.11.2010 07:19

: D

ja Drarry :: D

...okei vois ehk tosiaan harkita sitä nukkumaan menemistä...

oumaikaad.Lauantai 20.11.2010 06:09

Salee koht joku herää.

Yödataus on kivaa.

Hajoon tääl iha täysii ja yritän olla nauramatta ääneen :'''D
Tylypahkalaiset mesettämässä ::: D

ääliöhuumori <3

oho mitä kello on jo noi paljon, voi harkita nukkumaan menemist koht tai jotai

huomasin muute et vähä univajetta kenties, olin tänää kipee ni olin kotona ja mua ei tullu kukaa herättää ni nukuin puol neljää (y)

mut joo vois lukee viel vähä aikaa ja sit koittaa menn nukkumaa tai jotai :'D

:D:D:D:D:DLauantai 20.11.2010 05:25

Kuolareitte mesekeskustelua :::: D

hajoon vieläki

Voldu <3

H/D ♥Lauantai 20.11.2010 05:07

aaaaaw kuolinko edes ♥

Oon ollu koko päivänkauttaillankauttayön iha hoodeehoodeehoodee ja nyt on kyl semmone fiilis et pakko kirjottaa jotai :3 tosta biisistä tulis ihan loistava songfic :3 iha täydellinen biisi, koska Harry ja Draco rakastaa toisiaan ja vihaa toisiaan eikä voi elää ilman toisiaan. :3

Saliva - Always
I hear, a voice say "Don't be so blind"
It's telling me all of these things
That you would probably hide!
Am I your one and only desire?
Am I the reason you breathe,
Or am I the reason you cry?

Always, always, always,
Always, always, always,
I just can't live without you!

I love you!
I hate you!
I can't get around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you!
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you!

(Done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you)

I feel, like you don't want me around
I guess I'll pack all my things
I guess I'll see you around
It's all, been bottled up till now
As I walk out your door
All I can hear is the sound!

Always, always, always,
Always, always, always
I just can't live without you!

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't get around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you,
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you.

I wrap my hand around your heart,
Why would you tear my world apart?

Always, always, always, always.

I see, the blood all over your hands
Does it make you feel, more like a man?
Was it all, just a part of your plan?
The pistols' shakin' in my hands
And all I hear is the sound!

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you,
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you!
I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you.
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I pick myself off the floor,
And now I'm done with you.


Lauantai 20.11.2010 00:23

Jii käytii eile kattomas Kuoleman varjelukset :33

ja iha hemmeti hyvä oli ! Itkettyä tuli kyl aika paljo, varsinki sillo ku Dobbyyyy )::: asd
mut siin oli kans aika paljo semmosii kohtii mille kaikki hajos :: D
ja lopetus oli iha loistava !

ja Snapu oli ihana ja Draco oli ihana (mut ane vaa dissas sitä, minkä se sille voi et se on herkkä ja väärinymmärretty ):: ja ku sitä heitetää tuoleil ni varmaa sattuu ):: ) ja nii

ihana leffa ja nytkö sit pitäs 8 kuukautta venaa seuraavaa asd