
Let us try to goTiistai 17.09.2019 06:54

Let us try to go into the wind and rain, find the rainbow in our hearts, open a heart window for ourselves, let the sun shine in, let the laughter spill into the nature, and the rain will stop. God will send a rainbow messenger to dress up this beautiful. The sky is empty. I wake up every morning and I like morning exercises. Running, not only exercising the body, but also seeing many new things. I have seen such a thing, a young mother, with her daughter who has just been a week in the square <a href="">Cigarettes Online</a>. The daughter got out of her mother's gentle arms and stood on the lawn. It can be seen that the mother is asking her daughter to learn to walk. Mother opened her arms and signaled her daughter to come over and put in her mother's arms. The daughter was very careful every step of the way, but she accidentally fell to the ground, and the mother did not go to lift her up, but to encourage her daughter to ask her to climb up with gentle words. The daughter seemed to be very obedient, slowly climbed up and continued to walk towards her mother's arms. The daughter smiled and smiled from the heart, though her face was filled with crystal clear tears. Mom also laughed! I suddenly realized that the weak can't make such a laugh. This is the smile of the strong, the smile of the winner. I stayed at that moment and watched it. Life on the road will not be smooth sailing, always have to experience the hardships of the storm, but after the storm, it must be a beautiful rainbow. The bigger the storm <a href="">Parliament Cigarettes</a>, the more fierce <a href="">Online Cigarettes</a>, the more beautiful the rainbow, the more beautiful it is. Let us try to go into the storm and find the rainbow in our hearts! ~<br/>Related articles:<br/> <a href=";&gt;Marlboro Red</a>
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